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How to Obtain ODP Data

On-line access to data (Janus Web)

Request data by e-mail (Data Librarian)

Data Types Available

Examples of Data

Core Photos

Logging Database (LDEO-BRG)

RIDGE Petrological Database (LDEO)

Thermal Data Collection and Heat Flow Recalculations for ODP Legs 101-180

ODP data (Legs 101-129) available from the NGDC

Database Services

Legacy information for 1985-2003

The ODP Database Group archives, processes, and edits the program's data collection and distributes it to the scientific community. Included in the ODP data collection are the following:

  • All data collected onboard JOIDES Resolution (Legs 100 to present)
  • Archived data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) (Legs 1-96)
  • Any data generated from postcruise research
  • All ODP and DSDP core photos

All ODP data are available online through Janus Web.

Please review the Sample Distribution, Data Distribution, and Publications Policy before requesting data. The use of ODP data requires investigator(s) to fulfill certain obligations.

The data remain proprietary for a period of one year after the end of a cruise and are available only to the participating scientists. After one year the data are released to the public. A Data Migration project is underway in which previous ODP and DSDP data are being migrated to the Janus database. As older data get migrated they become available on the web. The data not available on the web can be obtained from the ODP Data Librarian in a variety of formats, including ftp, e-mail attachments, Mac/PC Floppies, CD-ROM disks, and paper printouts.

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Modified on Tuesday, 11-Sep-2007 16:25:48 CDT.