Reproduced online: 15 November 2006
ISSN 1096-2158

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In cooperation with the Ocean Drilling Program, the Texas A&M University Digital Library produced this electronic version from the original print volume. Volume and chapter citations have been updated since original publication to include a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to facilitate online access to scholarly and professional content (see "Citations Related to ODP Legs" for updated citations).


1. Background and Introduction
F.M. Gradstein, J.N. Ludden, and Shipboard Scientific Party

2. Underway Geophysics
R.T. Buffler

3. Explanatory Notes
Shipboard Scientific Party


4. Site 765
Shipboard Scientific Party

5. Site 766
Shipboard Scientific Party

  Shipboard core description forms and core photographs for the following sites are available. The entire set of core images is available in PDF in the IMAGES directory.
Site 765   Site 766    
  JOIDES Advisory Groups

Sample-Distribution Policy


Initial Reports, Volume 123:

Chapter 2: Figure 9. Shipboard monitor records of seismic Line 1.
Chapter 2: Plate 1. Processed singlefold lines collected during Leg 123.
Chapter 4: Plate 2. Sonic and velocity values derived from the Lamont-Doherty geological observatory sonic reprocessing program.
Chapter 5: Figure 12. Mesozoic chronostratigraphy and correlation of biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy.


Initial Reports, Volume 123: Chapter 2: Navigation data.

Citations to scientific publications related to this and other ODP legs are available.
  Leg 123 Leg-Related Citations
Ocean Drilling Citation Database 
ODP Citations (Legs 101–210)
A site map showing the drilling locations for this leg and maps showing the drilling locations of all Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) and Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) drilling sites are available.
ODP Leg 123 Site Map
ODP Map (Legs 100–210)
DSDP Map (Legs 1–96)