Tables T1, T2, T3, T4, and T5 present the compositions of individual analytical points (spots), averages, and standard deviations by individual mineral grain. We have placed all the available data into a standard format, which required transcribing highly variable sets of data submitted in a wide variety of formats. The tables have many fields for different kinds of data, usually far more than are used by any one data set. However, an attempt was made to create a flexible format so that many types of information could be included. As much data as possible is also given in numerical format so that the user can easily sort the data by grain size, location of analysis, depth in the hole, sample number, and the like. Editing of the data in the tables was largely left to the analysts, and the analyses have largely been included as submitted. Analyses falling outside the range of analytical totals of 98.0 to 101.5 or with improbable stoichiometry, however, were usually rejected. We refer to the successive columns here as lettered from A to Z from left to right, though these headings are not actually printed out in the appended example pages of these tables (first page of each table only), but are found when the electronic ASCII format is uploaded to Excel format or the Excel tables available in the volume "Supplementary Material" are opened. Column A lists a simple serial number from 1 to N that can be used to restore the data set back to its original form after various sorting routines by the user.

Sample Identification

Column B gives the thin section number if it is different from the sample number; otherwise, a simple three-letter code is given, usually identical to that assigned by ODP, referencing whose sample was analyzed. Where only a number is given in this column, it refers to one of the shipboard thin sections owned by ODP. These thin sections are available on loan from the ODP Gulf Coast Repository for further study. Column C gives the source of the analysis, often, but not always, the person whose sample it is. Columns D through J give the standard ODP sample code. This includes, sequentially: the leg number, hole number, core number, section number, the top and bottom of the thin-sectioned interval containing the specific rock type listed under column M (Rock type) measured in centimeters from the top of the core section, and, finally, the piece number. A note of caution here: individual thin sections often contain more than one rock type. Thus, the interval listed in columns I and J may give the interval over which the rock type appears in the thin section or more often may give simply the top and bottom of the thin section. Thus, with the exception of the rock name, all the sample identifiers can be the same for two different lithologies in a thin section. Therefore, for these tables, the sample identifier must include the rock name in addition to the original ODP sample code. Column K gives the vertical position of the analyzed grain, measured from the top of the section in which the sample was taken (oriented sections only). Column L gives the vertical position of the analysis measured from the top of the hole in expanded meters, where the length of the cored section is expanded (or compressed) to fill the section cored using the algorithm given in the "Igneous Petrology" section of the "Explanatory Notes" chapter in the Leg 176 Initial Reports volume (Dick, Natland, Miller, et al., 1999).

Rock Names

Column M gives the rock type, usually a modified version of the name assigned to the sample by the analyst. Rock nomenclature is a problem. Despite an attempt to adhere to the standard International Union for the Geological Sciences (IUGS) nomenclature (le Maitre, 1989; Streckeisen, 1976), particularly on the part of the Leg 176 Scientific Party, the allure of site-specific genetic nomenclature is a siren song evidently impossible to resist. This is particularly the case when the presence or absence of a particular mineral, often in trace amounts, or a specific texture seems to have real genetic meaning at different horizons in the core (e.g., Ozawa et al., 1991). With some 20 different scientists assigning rock names between shore-based investigators and two different shipboard parties, differences in criteria for naming rocks are perhaps unavoidable. We have, however, simplified many rock names in order to make it easier for the reader to sort rocks with similar attributes together, but we have not eliminated analyst-specific names entirely, as this was not possible to do in all cases. Hebert et al. (1991) drew the dividing line for the use of "oxide" as a prefix at 4% opaques in thin section, whereas the remaining analysts used an estimate of between 1% and 2% oxides for the prefix "disseminated oxide" and >2% opaques for the use of "oxide" as a prefix. We have used visual modes provided by Constantin to rename their samples to fit the Leg 176 conventions, so the rock names in our tables are different than theirs. In the case of the data provided by P. Robinson, H. Dick went through most of his thin sections to check for consistency in the use of igneous terms, as his research objectives were focused on alteration rather than igneous petrology. Thus, there are likely some minor differences in rock names for different samples between this paper and Robinson et al. (Chap. 9, this volume). There is, then, a multiplicity of rock names used for the different kinds of gabbroic rock found in the Hole 735B cores, which only in part reflects their often-bewildering diversity. The reader may want to refer back to the individual papers in the Leg 118 Scientific Results volume to see the original unmodified rock names and how different analysts use them. We also note that rock names were particularly hard to assign where rocks were significantly altered; thus, many names are tenuous and this can obscure significant genetic meaning of the appearance or disappearance of a given phase when plotting the data. Users are advised when distinctions are important that checking thin sections for outlying points in various plots may reveal that the section has more than one rock type, and mineral data from one rock has been plotted with data from another or that the assigned rock name may be inappropriate.

In general, the term "oxide" refers to ilmenite and titanomagnetite, but often the estimate was based simply on the amount of opaques in the thin section, which lumped in any sulfides present. This is hazardous, particularly for "disseminated oxide gabbros," as sulfides are often present in the gabbros in amounts up to 0.5%-1%. "Olivine" is generally used as a prefix where it constitutes 5%. We note, however, that there is a continuous gradation from 0% to >20% modal olivine from "gabbro" to "olivine gabbro" with no obvious break in mode, texture, or mineral chemistry at 5%; thus, the distinction is to a certain degree meaningless for the Hole 735B cores. The prefix "orthopyroxene" is used for rocks containing granular rather than interstitial orthopyroxene in amounts <5%, as the term "gabbronorite" is used for gabbros with >5% orthopyroxene, following IUGS. Intergranular orthopyroxene was generally ignored when assigning rock names, as it is present in small amounts in nearly all rocks and its appearance, as evidenced by its large range in composition, has little specific genetic meaning other than the presence of a small amount of melt trapped in or migrating through the rock toward the end of crystallization. "Troctolite" refers to a rock with <5% clinopyroxene and "anorthositic" to rocks with >80% plagioclase. "Troctolitic" is used as a prefix for olivine gabbros with 5%-15% clinopyroxene. High proportions (>65%) of mafic and leucocratic minerals are noted by the prefixes "mela" and "leuco," though we note that the mineral compositions show no systematic variation with mineral mode in these cases, with complete overlap between specific rock types with and without these prefixes. The prefix "micro" is generally used to describe fine-grained equigranular gabbros crosscutting the coarser-grained olivine gabbros. The Leg 176 Scientific Party specifically restricted this name to rocks with dominant grain size of <1 mm, though the Leg 118 Scientific Party and Dick et al. (1991a) did not generally do this, including somewhat coarser-grained (millimeter to centimeter scale) crosscutting equigranular gabbro bodies in this designation, as these bodies appear otherwise identical in their occurrence, textural characteristics, and composition range.

The reader is advised that as a consequence of this nomenclature confusion, the troctolites described in Unit 6 (Dick, 1991a) around 404 to 550 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in Hole 735B are quite distinct from the troctolites found lower in the hole. The former are all small meter-scale intrusions with sharp crosscutting contacts with the olivine gabbros that grade from microtroctolite (fine grained) to troctolite (medium to coarse grained) under this classification. They are the most primitive rocks recovered from Hole 735B—apparently having crystallized from a different or at least more primitive parental magma than those giving rise to the olivine gabbros. By contrast, the "troctolites" deeper in the hole simply represent a continuum from gabbro, olivine gabbro, and troctolitic gabbro, representing an increase in the proportion of modal olivine. Otherwise, these latter rocks are texturally and mineralogically identical.

Medium- to coarse-grained leucocratic igneous rocks make up ~1% of the Hole 735B core. They are generally present as crosscutting small veins and are commonly very altered. In many cases, they are hard to distinguish from purely hydrothermal "felsic" veins. Although they range from diorite through tonalite to trondhjemite and include a few granite veins, the specific igneous protolith is often very difficult to identify. Thus, many specific identifications made by the analysts and the shipboard party must be regarded as somewhat suspect. Many readers will be more familiar with these rocks as "plagiogranites," a common field term for white felsic igneous rocks of ambiguous nature, specifically not recommended by IUGS as it overlaps with other long-used valid rock names. Because we would prefer to leave the final identification of most of these to those with some specialization in the field of late igneous leucocratic magmatic veins, we have lumped them in the tables collectively under the name "felsic vein." There is no denying the usefulness of the term plagiogranite in this context when trying to deal with these rocks, but because there is little agreement among ourselves over the term "plagiogranite," we do not use it here.

The complexity of the terminology and diversity of rock names used will undoubtedly intimidate the reader—as it does the authors. Whereas good reasons exist for each name and most turn out to have genetic significance, we often simplify this terminology in this paper. The reader is advised that when we use the plural form we are generally referring to a clan of rocks with petrologic affinity. By gabbros we mean collectively all the gabbroic rocks in the hole, excluding the crosscutting microgabbros. When we refer to olivine gabbros we mean collectively all the oxide-poor olivine-bearing gabbros (gabbro, olivine gabbro, and troctolitic gabbro). Similarly, oxide gabbros, or the term "ferrogabbro," refers to the many varieties of oxide-rich, orthopyroxene-poor olivine-bearing and olivine-free gabbro. Gabbronorites include all the rock types with significant amounts of granular orthopyroxene (gabbronorite, orthopyroxene gabbro, orthopyroxene-olivine gabbro, pigeonitic gabbro, etc.). Specific rock types are generally referred to in the singular. Troctolite and disseminated oxide olivine gabbro are unique in this respect, as they are generally not included in the three general rock clans (olivine gabbros, gabbronorites, and oxide gabbros). Many of the troctolites are distinct from all other rock types in various compositional plots, and the disseminated oxide olivine gabbros appear to be transitional from the olivine gabbro clan to the oxide gabbro clan without having significant orthopyroxene.

Columns N through S give the average Mg# (molar Mg x 100/[Mg + Fe*]) and forsterite, anorthite, and orthoclase contents of coexisting olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, and brown hornblende in the thin section analyzed, except for the analytical point whose measured values are given. Modal data are given in columns T through AC, where available. Data for the ODP thin sections were collected by Dr. Peter Meyer during Leg 176 and are taken from the Leg 176 Initial Reports volume. These data were used to assign rock names to all the ODP thin sections analyzed by H. Dick using the criteria laid out in the Leg 176 Initial Reports volume. Modes for the Y. Niu samples were collected by S. Mackie, whereas modes given for the R. Hebert and M. Constantin samples are visual estimates provided by them. Modes for the J. Maeda samples were also estimated by H. Dick. "Other" refers largely to metamorphic replacements of primary minerals, as can be seen where the sum of the major igneous minerals is <100. This presents a problem that the user should be aware of insofar as most of the remaining data represent simple "primary modes" where the replacements are lumped with the amount of relict igneous mineral phase. A quantity of 0.1 has been arbitrarily used wherever an analyst gives a modal estimate of "trace."

Textural Classification

Textural terms are difficult to quantify, as they are often quite subjective, particularly for igneous rocks. However, column AD gives codes corresponding to the deformation microfabrics and intensity of crystal-plastic deformation intensity seen in many thin sections as well as the presence or absence of an igneous lamination. These are based on the guidelines set forth in table T4 in "Structural Geology" in the "Explanatory Notes" chapter of the Leg 176 Initial Reports volume. These textural codes were assigned by the structural geology team to all the Leg 176 shipboard thin sections, and we have taken their data from the Leg 176 Initial Reports volume. In addition, J. Hirth, who was a member of the Leg 176 structure team, has further described his, W. Bach's, and H. Dick's samples with Dick; and Dick has described the textures of J. Maeda's and most of P. Robinson's samples using the same criteria. In addition, M. Constantin provided unpublished textural data for their samples that permitted H. Dick to estimate the deformation grade, which has been included in the tables.

Textures 1a and 1b refer to a largely undeformed simple igneous texture without and with an igneous lamination, respectively (usually defined by a feldspar-shape fabric). Textures 2, 3, and 4 refer to the intensity of crystal-plastic deformation. Texture 2 represents <30% recrystallized plagioclase with only minor crystal-plastic deformation of pyroxene and relict igneous fabric preserved, whereas texture 3 represents >30% recrystallization of plagioclase with moderate recrystallization of pyroxene and a moderate shape-preferred orientation fabric. Texture 4 represents an extensively recrystallized rock with strongly bimodal grain size distribution with plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine, all extensively recrystallized with bent and kinked porphyroclasts of the original igneous minerals. Textures 5 and 6 refer to the presence of semibrittle and brittle/cataclastic fabrics. The latter can be superimposed on either crystal-plastic or igneous fabrics, and so in some cases there may be two codes given in the CP field.

Detailed information on the analyses are given in columns AE through AI, with "pt" being the analyst's analytical point number, which may start over with each grain or may represent the sequential point number for an entire analytical run on the microprobe. Where the analyst did not give a point number, we have arbitrarily assigned one. Where the row in the table represents an average or the standard deviation of the average rather than a single analytical point, the number given is the number of analytical points in the average. Column AF gives the grain number, prefixed by a two- or three-letter code for the mineral analyzed. This allows the user to combine and sort data from the different tables. Column AG gives the location of the point analyzed on the grain. C = core, R = rim, and i1, i2, i3, and so on = successive analytical points between the core and the rim numbered sequentially outward (thus, "C, i1, i2, i3, R" represents five sequential analyses from core to rim). B = an isolated point somewhere within a grain. In column AG, neo = neoblast, and ANe and sdNe = averages and standard deviations for neoblast analyses. AC, sdC, AR, and sdR = averages and standard deviations for multiple analyses on cores and rims of grains. Whereas standard deviations are given for all sets of two or more analyses on a single grain, the user is advised that a standard deviation for two points is not very meaningful. Pt = a single analytical point on a grain where no additional spots were analyzed, and thus no average or standard deviation is given for the grain. This is often referred to in the text as a "spot analysis." Columns AH and AI give the rough dimensions of the grain analyzed in millimeters or a simple estimate of the grain size: F = fine grained (<1 mm), M = medium grained (1-5 mm), C = coarse grained (5-30 mm), and P = pegmatoidal (>30 mm). Where only a single letter code is given, it generally is for the average grain size of the rock. When two-letter codes are given, the first code is for the grain analyzed and the second for the average grain size of the rock.

Averaging of Analyses

Average analyses for individual mineral grains and their standard deviations are given in the tables. Different analysts, however, used different analytical schemes with different goals in mind. For the most part, the averages given in the tables represent a single grain. Several analysts, however, notably P. Robinson, K. Ozawa, and P. Meyer, were generally attempting to obtain average compositions for the thin section rather than averages for individual grains. For P. Robinson and P. Meyer, we have recast their data such that averages represent average compositions for individual grains, though this often produces many averages and single-point analyses, whereas for K. Ozawa, there are insufficient data to identify the individual grains analyzed and so all analytical points for a given mineral from a thin section are averaged in the tables. The user seeking average compositions for thin sections may want to recombine and average the data by thin section. A point of caution, however, is advisable here. The Hole 735B core is highly heterogeneous, with nearly a thousand discrete igneous intervals identified in hand specimen by the shipboard scientific parties. Additional subdivision on the centimeter scale is possible (e.g., Natland, Chap. 11, this volume), and it should be noted that there are abrupt changes in lithology and mineral chemistry present on the centimeter and millimeter scale. Thin sections commonly cross boundaries between different lithologies, so averaging compositions by thin section may be inappropriate for many samples.

The first author sought to systematically document the extent of chemical zoning present in a thin section. For this purpose, grains were selected for analysis representing a combination of coarse grain size and the greatest optically apparent zoning, with usually only a single grain analyzed for each rock type. Thus, for plagioclase, a single grain was usually analyzed at six locations, starting at the core and moving sequentially out to the rim. For pyroxene, where exsolution was often present, a 10-µm spot size was used with 10 adjoining spots analyzed in a traverse across the plane of exsolution in an attempt to obtain the primary igneous composition. Wherever the grain size was suitable, a separate traverse was made on the core and the rim of the pyroxene grain. Thus, most of H. Dick's analyses represent pyroxene core and rim compositions, rather than bulk grain composition. The effect of this can be seen in many of the downhole plots presented later in this paper, where the small offset between core and rim compositions makes them plot together as an oval—giving the impression that the plot is blurred. In many cases, however, particularly with orthopyroxene, the grain was interstitial to olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene and only one traverse was made, representing a bulk composition. Users are advised to use column AE to sort out averages representing a satisfactory number of points on a given grain if they are attempting to evaluate the extent of heterogeneity on a grain scale.