Figure F10. Molar ratio covariation plots of Mg x 100/(Mg + Fe) for mafic silicates from Hole 735B gabbros from Tables T2, T3, T4, and T5. Ratios are calculated assuming all iron as FeO. Shown are average and single-spot analyses of individual grains, including average core and rim analyses of ortho- and clinopyroxene. A. Olivine forsterite content vs. clinopyroxene Mg#. B. Olivine forsterite content vs. orthopyroxene Mg#. C. Clinopyroxene Mg# vs. orthopyroxene Mg#. D. Clinopyroxene Mg# vs. hornblende Mg#. E. Olivine forsterite content vs. hornblende Mg#. F. Hornblende Mg# vs. orthopyroxene Mg#.