Figures F1-F37
Tables T1-T2

F1. Predicted bathymetry of the Ontong Java Plateau.

F2. Satellite-derived free-air gravity field of Ontong Java Plateau region.

F3. Summary of pre-Leg 192 age data for Ontong Java Plateau.

F4. Total alkalies vs. silica diagram for Ontong Java Plateau sites.

F5. Primitive mantle-normalized incompatible-element averages for basalts.

F6. Initial eNd(t) vs. (206Pb/204Pb)t data.

F7. MCS reflection profile across Site 1183.

F8. Site 1183 log.

F9. Lithologic log of basement units, Hole 1183A.

F10. Total alkalies vs. silica diagram for all Leg 192 sites.

F11. TiO2 vs. Mg# for basement rocks.

F12. Zr vs. TiO2 for basement rocks.

F13. Cr vs. TiO2 for basement rocks.

F14. Plagioclase-rich xenolith on core's outer surface.

F15. Paleolatitude data.

F16. Seismic reflection record.

F17. Summary of lithologic characteristics.

F18. Wood fragments in lithic vitric tuff.

F19. Lithic and vitric clast types in a lithic vitric tuff.

F20. Accretionary lapilli.

F21. Coarse angular clasts in lapilli tuff.

F22. Eruptive setting of volcaniclastic rocks at Site 1184.

F23. Photomicrograph of lithic vitric tuff.

F24. MCS reflection profile across Site 1185.

F25. Site 1185 log.

F26. Lithologic log of basement units, Site 1185.

F27. Phenocrysts and crystals in pillow margin.

F28. Spherulitic texture in an aphanitic pillow margin.

F29. MCS reflection profile across Site 1186.

F30. Lithologic log and selected properties.

F31. Limestone conglomerate between lava flows.

F32. Lithologic log of basement units, Site 1186.

F33. Plagioclase laths and clinopyroxene crystal sprays in basalt.

F34. Seismic reflection profile across Site 1187.

F35. Lithologic log of basement units, Site 1187.

F36. Stratigraphic sections drilled.

F37. Basement sections drilled.

Tables T1-T2

T1. Hole summary.

T2. Volcaniclastic facies.

Figures F1-F37
Tables T1-T2