Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41-F48
Tables T1-T18

F1. Seismic line GeoB 01-048.

F2. Site 1265 and proposed Site WALV-9A.

F3. Line GeoB 01-046 and Site 1265 with ages.

F4. MS data.

F5. Color reflectance data.

F6. Mcd growth rates

F7. Parameters used to define lithostratigraphic units.

F8. MS, NGR, and GRA bulk density.

F9. Lightness, carbonate content, and chromaticity.

F10. Smear slide components.

F11. Grain density, bulk density, porosity, and P-wave velocity.

F12. Physical property measurements.

F13. XRD diffractogram of an opaque mineral and matrix.

F14. Nannofossil-bearing foraminifer ooze with sharp contacts with nannofossil ooze.

F15. Oscillatory patterns in sediment color, L*, and MS.

F16. Typical cycles in MS and L*.

F17. Red-green-blue color variation, L*, and MS across the E/O boundary.

F18. Untreated, heated, and glycolated XRD diffractograms.

F19. Volcanic ash intervals, Subunit IIB.

F20. Chromaticity, Mn and Fe, and grain density.

Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41-F48
Tables T1-T18