Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
F41. Core-log integration.
F42. FMS images and conductive layers.
F43. FMS images and chert layers.
F44. FMS images of diffuse chert layers.
F45. Seismic modeling inputs.
F46. Sonic data.
F47. Stacked sonic waveforms.
F48. Age-depth model.
T1. Coring summary.
T2. Composite depth scale.
T3. Splice tie points.
T4. Lithostratigraphic subdivisions,
T5. Selected calcareous nannofossil datums.
T6. Range and abundance of calcareous nannofossils.
T7. Selected planktonic foraminiferal datums.
T8. Range and abundance of planktonic foraminifers.
T9. Selected benthic foraminifers
T10. Magnetostratigraphic age-depth tie points.
T11. Composition of headspace gases.
T12. Results of interstitial water analyses.
T13. Inorganic carbon and calcium carbonate.
T14. Breakdown of logging operations.
T15. Mcd and equivalent logging depth.
T16. Checkshot survey.
T17. Datum levels.
T18. Age-depth model, LSRs, and MARs.
Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41-F48
Tables T1-T18