Figures F1-F25
Figures F26-F50
Figures F51-F74
Tables T1-T11

F1. Bathymetry of Site 1271 area.

F2. Survey track and bathymetric section.

F3. Lithostratigraphic summary, Hole 1271A.

F4. Altered dunite cut by alteration veins.

F5. Orthopyroxene pseudomorph in dunite.

F6. Plagioclase and orthopyroxene pseudomorph in dunite.

F7. Olivine grains in amphibolite.

F8. Coarse olivine grain separated in amphibolite.

F9. Gabbroic material along olivine grain boundaries.

F10. Chromitite pod in dunite.

F11. Rutile within chromitite.

F12. Chromitite with opaque altered grains.

F13. Lithostratigraphic summary, Hole 1271B.

F14. Gabbroic material in peridotites.

F15. Reaction rims around olivine and spinel.

F16. Mineral inclusions in olivine.

F17. Incipient fragmentation of olivine in dunite.

F18. Olivine and plagioclase in gabbro and troctolite.

F19. Xenolith of dunite in gabbro replaced by amphibolite.

F20. Gabbroic rocks.

F21. Alteration intensity, Hole 1271A.

F22. Serpentinized dunite characteristics.

F23. Characteristics of completely altered dunite.

F24. Vein mineralogy, Hole 1271A.

F25. Alteration intensity, Hole 1271B.

Figures F1-F25
Figures F26-F50
Figures F51-F74
Tables T1-T11