Figures F1-F25
Figures F26-F50
Figures F51-F74
Tables T1-T11

F26. Chlorite-sericite-amphibole in olivine-bearing dunite.

F27. Olivine replaced by amphibole, chlorite, and sericite.

F28. Talc-altered orthopyroxenes with relict vermicular spinel.

F29. Incomplete serpentinization of dunite.

F30. Vein mineralogy, Hole 1271B.

F31. Evolution of BAG during deformation.

F32. Deformation-metamorphism path in amphibole-bearing dunite.

F33. Serpentinization of olivine and later alteration.

F34. Mineral/fluid phase diagram.

F35. Locations of shear zones and impregnated horizons.

F36. Crystal-plastic deformation intensities.

F37. Lithology, deformation fabrics, and crystal-plastic deformatio.

F38. Peridotite textures, Site 1271.

F39. Examples of crystal-plastic deformation.

F40. Orientation of magmatic veins and spinel foliations in dunite.

F41. Deformed and undeformed gabbroic veins.

F42. Gabbro mylonite pseudomorphed by amphibole.

F43. Late brittle-ductile deformation in troctolitic gabbros and dunites.

F44. Impregnation textures.

F45. Pyroxenite vein cut by late gabbroic vein.

F46. Impregnated dunite with gabbroic material.

F47. Impregnated dunite crosscut by a later gabbroic vein.

F48. Textures from the lower impregnation horizon.

F49. Metamorphic veins cutting dunites.

F50. Fine-grained amphibole and serpentine schis.

Figures F1-F25
Figures F26-F50
Figures F51-F74
Tables T1-T11