Figures F1-F25
Figures F26-F50
Figures F51-F74
Tables T1-T11

F51. Low-temperature schist.

F52. Serpentine-chlorite schist from a semibrittle shear zone.

F53. Carbonate-matrix fault breccia.

F54. Brittle deformation and alteration vein intensities, Hole 1271A.

F55. Brittle deformation and alteration vein intensities, Hole 1271B.

F56. Dips of alteration veins.

F57. Poles to alteration veins and brittle shear zones.

F58. LOI, SiO2, and Al2O2 vs. MgO.

F59. FeO vs. MgO whole-rock concentrations.

F60. V and Cr vs. Al2O3.

F61. TiO2, Sc, and Zr vs. Al2O3.

F62. H2O vs. SiO2 in gabbros.

F63. V, Sc, and Cr vs. Al2O3 in gabbros.

F64. Al2O3, TiO2, and Fe2O3 vs. MgO in gabbros.

F65. MST magnetic susceptibility.

F66. Thermal conductivity.

F67. Apparent thermal conductivity anisotropy.

F68. P-wave velocity vs. wet bulk density.

F69. Demagnetization of discrete and long-core samples, Hole 1271A.

F70. Demagnetization of discrete and long-core samples, Hole 1271B.

F71. Normalized magnetization decay curves of discrete samples.

F72. Paleomagnetic inclinations and declinations.

F73. Projections of minimum and maximum eigenvectors.

F74. PFT in standards and core pieces.

Figures F1-F25
Figures F26-F50
Figures F51-F74
Tables T1-T11