5.1.a. Sample Request Procedures
Beginning 12 months after a cruise has ended, samples will be provided to any scientist, curator, or educator who has the resources to complete a scientific investigation, or who can prepare materials for curatorial or educational purposes. Requests for samples should be submitted using the ODP Sample Request Form (see Appendix E) to the ODP Curator.
The ODP Curator and the CAB supervise postmoratorium sampling. The ODP Curator will receive postmoratorium sample requests and will evaluate them for completeness and for adherence to the provisions in this policy. If questions arise, the ODP Curator will consult with the requester.
When considering a sample request, the ODP Curator will ascertain whether the requested material is available in the working half or the temporary archive half of the core (see Appendix B for definitions). If the material is unavailable, the ODP Curator will consult with the requester to determine if the range of the requested interval(s) or the sample spacing within the interval(s) can be modified. If the request cannot be modified because of scientific requirements, a request to sample the permanent archive will be considered.
Approval of sample requests will be based on the availability of material and the length of time it will take the investigator to complete the proposed project. Typical studies will take two to three years, but a study of longer duration will be considered under certain circumstances. If a sample requester disagrees with the ODP Curator's final decision on a sample request, the sample requester may choose to appeal any decision to the CAB.
To assist the sample requester, the ODP Curator will provide, upon request, relevant information about previous sample requests and resultant studies on the core interval in question. The ODP Curator will also provide advice and guidance to the requester when considering sample volumes and frequencies (see Appendix F).
The sample requester should secure funds independently for sample-related research activities.
5.1.b. Sampling the Permanent Archive
Requests to sample archive material should be sent to the ODP Curator, who will forward them to the CAB after preliminary review. The CAB will evaluate the request based on its scientific merit and on the extent to which the working half is depleted. If necessary, the CAB may also consult with members of the original SAC who established the permanent archive being considered for sampling. The CAB will strive to maintain a representative continuous section of core material for archival purposes whenever possible.
5.1.c. Sample-Recipient Responsibilities
5.1.c.i. Requests for samples
This section details the ODP obligations incurred by scientists who receive samples or conduct analyses after the 12-month moratorium, according to the terms of this policy.
All scientists who receive samples or conduct nondestructive analyses from ODP or DSDP cores after the 12-month moratorium are required to:
This research used samples and/or data provided by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). ODP is sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and participating countries under management of Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI), Inc. Funding for this research was provided by _________.
Failure to meet the ODP obligations will result in the rejection of future sample requests and may influence participation on future legs.
Note: Investigators should be aware that they might have other data obligations under the U.S. National Science Foundation's Ocean Science Data Policy or under relevant policies of other funding agencies that require submission of data to national data centers.
Data produced from samples taken for routine shipboard analyses (e.g., index properties, interstitial [pore] water whole rounds, thin sections, smear slides, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence samples, paleontology core-catcher samples) are available after the moratorium has ended (after 12 months postcruise). Data from Legs 171B and beyond are made available on the ODP Web site at http://www-odp.tamu.edu/database/. Individuals who cannot access the Web may submit data requests to the ODP Data Librarian (for contact information see Appendix C).
Individuals who request to use ODP or DSDP data after the moratorium period has expired do not incur the same obligations to publish their results as do shipboard party members during the moratorium; however, if they do publish papers based on these data, they are required to:
This research used samples and/or data provided by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). ODP is sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and participating countries under management of Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI), Inc. Funding for this research was provided by _________.
5.2. Requests for Educational Material
Cores can be viewed, described, and sampled for teaching and educational purposes. Core materials that are abundant in the collection, and thus not in demand for research purposes, are available to educators for sampling.
Sample requests must be made using the Sample Request Form (see Appendix E). The ODP Curator will approve requests if they do not deplete the working and/or the temporary archive halves of the core (see Appendix B for definitions).
Educators who receive samples or conduct nondestructive analyses do not incur the same obligations as researchers to publish or provide data to ODP.
5.3. Requests for Public Display Material
Core material is available for public display, such as in museums or at professional scientific meetings. Requests to borrow cores may be submitted to the ODP Curator (for contact information see Appendix C).
Requests should:
Requests will be reviewed by the ODP Curator, and possibly the CAB, and will be forwarded to the JOI Office for final approval as appropriate. A loan agreement will be required for long-term loans (two weeks or more). The Curator will provide details about the loan agreement upon request.
All public displays of ODP/DSDP material will include a notice that properly credits ODP and support by the National Science Foundation and its international partners.
15, 18Policy revision made June 2001. See H.1.c. for details.
16, 19Policy revision made August 2002. See Appendix H.1.f. for details.
17, 20Policy revision made April 2002. See Appendix H.1.d. and Appendix H.1.e. for details.