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Laboratory Software and Manuals

Legacy information for 1985-2003

The Applications Development Group maintains and enhances these applications as requested by the users.

  • Adara Downhole Temperature (PDF manual): The Adara program was designed to aid in the uploading of downhole temperature data into the central database and for minor editing functions.

  • AppleCORE Reader (application and manual in word or PDF format): Macintosh application that allows the user to view visual core description files.

  • Color Reflectance (PDF manual): Color Reflectance is a program designed to upload reflectance spectroscopy data files to the central database. It also contains a browser/edit window. For brevity, the program is referred to as RSC for Reflectance Spectroscopy and Colorimetry.

  • Coulometrics (PDF manual): The Coulometrics program was designed to aid in the measurement and uptake of all carbonate sample data.

  • Cruise Evaluation (PDF manual): Cruise Evaluation allows the scientists to make comments about their general impression of the ship facilities and personnel.

  • CryoEdit (PDF manual): CryoEdit uploads cryomagnetometer data from the Long Core utility to the central database. It also provides limited facilities for browsing and editing the uploaded data.

  • Curation Bibliography (PDF manual): The Biblio program was developed to help correlate participating scientists to their publications, sample requests, and the core samples used in their analyses.

  • Gas Analysis (PDF manual): The Gas Analysis Program (GAP) is designed to aid the user in obtaining gas element analysis for an entire hole. This program plots C1/C2 and C1/C2+ ratios, and can also be used as a warning tool for undesirably high concentrations of C2.

  • Gate User Guide (PDF manual): The Gate database application makes it possible to edit curatorial data that are included in the Janus Oracle database.

  • Hard Rock Labels (PDF manual): Hard Rock Labels (HRlabels) is a program developed for printing labels. These labels are used to identify sections, pieces, and parts of hard rock core.

  • JANUS (HTML manuals): JANUS encompasses the group of applications that are used on the ship to input data in the JANUS database.

  • JANUS Repository Sampling (PDF manual): JRS is a program mainly used on the ship to record sample data. The main working window is a spreadsheet similar in appearance and function to Excel.

  • Moisture and Density (PDF manual): The Moisture and Density (MAD) program was developed to work in conjunction with the balances and the pycnometer.

  • MsT View (PDF manual): MsTV is a program designed to aid in the viewing of Multi-Sensor Track (MST) data (GRAPE, magnetic susceptibility, NGR, P-Wave). The graph areas allow for the comparison of data from different holes, or different data types for the same hole.

  • Paleontology Analysis Log (PDF manual): Paleontology Analysis Log (PAL) is a program designed to aid in the analysis and recording of fossil data. The main working window is a spreadsheet similar in appearance and function to Excel.

  • Precruise Names (PDF manual): Precruise Names assigns site names to proposed drill sites prior to the cruise leg.

  • Smear Slides (PDF manual): Sliders is a program designed to aid recording of smear slide data. The main working window is a spreadsheet similar to Excel.

  • Tensor Tool (PDF manual): The Tensor Tool (TTool) program is designed to aid in the viewing and editing of Tensor Tool data and notes.

  • XRD Conversion (PDF manual): The XRD Conversion program was developed to convert raw, legacy X-Ray diffraction data into a usable format, from UDF files to UDI files.

  • Z-Plot (PDF manual): Z-Plot was developed to aid in the conversion of paleomagnetic data into a format complementary to the Z-Plot graphics program.

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Modified on Tuesday, 11-Sep-2007 16:23:08 CDT.