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Software with full support

Software with limited support

Software with no support

Contributed software

Janus and related applications

Computing Environment

Data Collection

Data Backup and Transfer


Shipboard Laboratories


Legacy information for 1985-2003

I. ODP-Supported Software

    Software installed and supported on all Macs, PCs, and Unix Workstations
    • Netscape: Allows Web browsing of the local ship network, which includes laboratory documents, the Scientific Prospectus for the current leg, and access to the Janus database.
    • telnet: Allows users to log on to the various Unix computers from any other computer.
    • ftp: file transfer protocol for transferring files from one platform to another on the local ship network.

    Software installed and supported on all Macs and PCs

    • WordPerfect (version 3.5.4 for Macs; 8.0 (SP7) for PCs): Standard word processing package.
    • Word (version 97 for PCs; 98 for Macs): Standard word processing package.
    • Excel (version 97/98): For data processing and generating tables. We prefer that final art work used in the publications not be produced in Excel.
    • Kaleidagraph (version 3.5): For data processing and for generating tables and graphics.
    • Canvas (version 7.0): Graphics software.
    • Adobe Acrobat Reader (4): Standard program for reading electronic publications in PDF format.
    • Groupwise: The e-mail tool used for shipboard and shore-based communications.

    Software installed and supported only on Macs

    • AppleCORE: Graphics software for generating barrel sheets, which give a graphic description of each core.
    • Fetch: File transfer program.

    Software installed and supported only on PCs

    • Depth-O-Matic: An ODP software package for adding coring depths to data files with ODP sampling identification information.

    Software installed and supported only on Unix Workstations

    • Splicer: Core correlation software used by the stratigraphic correlator.
    • SIOSEIS: Seismic processing software.
    • GMT: Generic Mapping Tool, a graphic software package, particularly useful for map making or GIS applications.
    • Sun StarOffice (version 5.2)

Software with full support
Software with limited support
Software with no support
Contributed software

II. Software with Limited ODP Support

    The following programs are available on the ship, but there are limited copies (licenses) available.

    • Illustrator (version 8): Graphics software for Macs and PCs. About 30 copies are available on the ship.
    • Photoshop (version 5): Graphics software installed on several Macs and PCs.
    • PowerPoint: Presentation software.
    • MacDraw II: Graphics software (a few copies available)
    • Base64: File decompression software.
    • WinZip: File decompression software.
    • Stuffit: File compression and decompression software.
    • Fortran and C Compiler: Installed on at least one Unix Workstation.
    • C and BASIC Compiler (Visual Studio): Installed on one PC.
    • LabView: Graphic programming package used by many ODP instruments.
    • Access: Database software available on several PCs.
    • Analyseries: Signal analysis and core correlation software, which can be installed on any Mac (freeware).
    • GEOREF (MacSPIRS): Geology database shared over the network to Macs.

Software with full support
Software with limited support
Software with no support
Contributed software

III. Non-ODP Supported Software

    On request, the System Manager will assist in the installation of software brought to the cruise by a member of the scientific party. This allows scientists to bring along the software they find most useful for their activities at sea. We do ask that the scientists have a legal license for the software, which will allow us to install it on our equipment temporarily, and that the scientists bring the entire installation kit, including all documentation, optional drivers, etc., so that the installation will be successful.

    One caution must be mentioned in this context: Any scientist who brings software that performs a specific task is responsible for the translation of the data into a format which is supported by the ODP database.

Software with full support
Software with limited support
Software with no support
Contributed software

IV. Contributed Software

    When scientists have a useful routine, perhaps to process instrument data or to correlate results of several measurements, they are encouraged to leave it behind for the use of future participants. The scientist having software to contribute usually coordinates the preparation of a manual for the software and makes sure that it is entered properly into the ship's software library.

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Modified on Tuesday, 11-Sep-2007 16:21:39 CDT.