Reproduced online: 12 October 2006
ISSN 1096-7451

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In cooperation with the Ocean Drilling Program, the Texas A&M University Digital Library produced this electronic version from the original print volume. Volume and chapter citations have been updated since original publication to include a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to facilitate online access to scholarly and professional content (see "Citations Related to ODP Legs" for updated citations).


1. Neogene Nannofossil Biostratigraphy of Sites 723 through 730, Oman Continental Margin, Northwestern Arabian Sea
S. Spaulding

2. Coccolith Biostratigraphy of the Arabian Sea
T. Sato, K. Kameo, and T. Takayama

3. The Benthic Foraminiferal Faunas of Sites 725, 726, and 728 (Oman Margin, Northwestern Arabian Sea)
J.O.R. Hermelin

4. Composition and Biostratigraphy of Radiolarian Assemblages from an Area of Upwelling (Northwestern Arabian Sea, Leg 117)
C. Nigrini

5. Magnetostratigraphic and Biostratigraphic Synthesis, Leg 117, Arabian Sea
S.A. Spaulding, J. Bloemendal, A. Hayashida, J.O.R. Hermelin, K. Kameo, D. Kroon, C.A. Nigrini, T. Sato, T.N.F. Steens, T. Takayama, and S.R. Troelstra

6. Layer-by-Layer Correlation of Drilled Sediments from Owen Ridge, Oman Margin, and Indus Fan
N. Niitsuma

7. Magnetostratigraphy of Leg 117 Sediments from the Owen Ridge and the Oman Margin, Western Arabian Sea
A. Hayashida and J. Bloemendal


8. Clay Mineralogy of Neogene Sediments of the Western Arabian Sea: Mineral Abundances and Paleoenvironmental Implications
P. Debrabant, L. Krissek, A. Bouquillon, and H. Chamley

9. Mineralogic Variations in a Pleistocene High-Resolution Eolian Record from the Owen Ridge, Western Arabian Sea (Site 722): Implications for Sediment Source Conditions and Monsoon History
L.A. Krissek and S.C. Clemens

10. Mud Turbidites from the Oligocene and Miocene Indus Fan at Sites 722 and 731 on the Owen Ridge
G.P. Weedon and I.N. McCave

11. Burial Transformation of Sediment Fabric at Ocean Drilling Program Sites in the Western Arabian Sea
J.S. Callaway and W.H. Busch

12. Analysis of Wet-Bulk Density and Sediment Color Cycles in Pliocene-Pleistocene Sediments of the Owen Ridge (Site 722) and Oman Margin (Site 728)
W.H. Busch


13. Onset of Monsoonal Related Upwelling in the Western Arabian Sea as Revealed by Planktonic Foraminifers
D. Kroon, T.N.F. Steens, and S.R. Troelstra

14. Coastal Upwelling Gradient during the Late Pleistocene
D.M. Anderson and W.L. Prell

15. Pollen Transport into Arabian Sea Sediments
E. Van Campo

16. A Pollen Analysis of the Indus Deep Sea Fan from Site 720 Cores
Y. Yoshinori, N. Niitsuma, and A. Hayashida

17. Late Pleistocene Evolution of Surface and Mid-Depth Hydrography at the Oman Margin: Planktonic and Benthic Isotope Records at Site 724
R. Zahn and T.F. Pedersen

18. Late Pleistocene Periodicities of Oxygen Isotope Ratios, Calcium Carbonate Contents, and Magnetic Susceptibilities of Western Arabian Sea Margin Hole 728A
T.N.F. Steens, D. Kroon, W.G. ten Kate, and A. Sprenger

19. Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy at Site 723, Oman Margin
N. Niitsuma, T. Oba, and M. Okada

20. Pliocene to Pleistocene Variations in Calcium Carbonate, Organic Carbon, and Opal on the Owen Ridge, Northern Arabian Sea
D.W. Murray and W.L. Prell

21. One Million Year Record of Summer Monsoon Winds and Continental Aridity from the Owen Ridge (Site 722), Northwest Arabian Sea
S.C. Clemens and W.L. Prell

22. A Rock-Magnetic Record of Monsoonal Dust Deposition to the Arabian Sea: Evidence for a Shift in the Mode of Deposition at 2.4 Ma
P. de Menocal, J. Bloemendal, and J. King

23. The Inorganic Geochemical Record of the Northwest Arabian Sea: A History of Productivity Variation over the Last 400 k.y. from Sites 722 and 724
G.B. Shimmield and S.R. Mowbray

24. Late Pleistocene Upwelling and Productivity Variations in the Northwest Indian Ocean Deduced from Spectral Analyses of Geochemical Data from Sites 722 and 724
G.P. Weedon and G.B. Shimmield

25. Late Pleistocene Sea Surface Water Temperature Variations off Oman as Revealed by the Distribution of Long-Chain Alkenones
H.L. ten Haven and D. Kroon


26. 10Be Contents of Late Cenozoic Sediments from Sites 720, 722, and 728 in the Western Arabian Sea
C.J. Beets, G.T. Klaver, D. Kroon, K. van den Borg, and A.F. de Jong

27. The Late Neogene 87Sr86Sr Isotopic Record in the Western Arabian Sea, Site 722
C.J. Beets

28. U-Series Disequilibrium, Particle Scavenging, and Sediment Accumulation during the Late Pleistocene on the Owen Ridge, Site 722
G.B. Shimmield and S.R. Mowbray

29. High-Resolution Geochemical Variations at Sites 723, 728, and 731: A Comparison of X-Ray Fluorescence and Geochemical Logs
R.D. Jarrard and M. Lyle

30. Interstitial Water Chemistry, Leg 117: Contrasts with the Peru Margin
T.F. Pedersen and G.B. Shimmield


31. Organic Carbon, Reduced Sulfur, and Iron in Miocene to Holocene Upwelling Sediments from the Oman and Benguela Upwelling Systems
K.-C. Emeis, J.W. Morse, and L.L. Mays

32. Organic Compounds in Sediments and Pore Waters of Sites 723 and 724
R. Seifert and W. Michaelis

33. Pyrolytic Character of Organic Matter in Cenozoic Sediments on the Oman Shelf
K.-C. Emeis and J.K. Whelan

34. Preliminary Lipid Analysis of Sediments Recovered during Leg 117
H.L. ten Haven and J. Rullkötter

35. Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of Organic Matter from Sites 724 and 725, Oman Margin
A.N.N. Muzuka, S.A. Macko, and T.F. Pedersen

36. Organic Petrology of Neogene Sediments from North Indian Ocean, Leg 117: Amount, Type, and Preservation of Organic Matter
P. Bertrand, E. Lallier-Verges, and H. Grall

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Scientific Results: Volume 117, Chapter 2:
Table 3. Distribution of calcareous nannofossils at Site 720.
Table 4. Distribution of calcareous nannofossils at Site 721.
Table 5. Distribution of calcareous nannofossils at Site 722.
Table 6. Distribution of calcareous nannofossils at Site 731.

This microfiche material may also be obtained in its original format.

  Scientific Results: Volume 117, Chapter 1:
Table 6. Distribution of calcareous nannofossils, Hole 728A.
Table 8. Distribution of calcareous nannofossils, Hole 730A.
Leg-Related Citations
Citations to scientific publications related to this and other ODP legs are available.
Leg 117 Leg-Related Citations
Ocean Drilling Program Citation Database 
ODP Citations (Legs 101–210)
A site map showing the drilling locations for this leg and maps showing the drilling locations of all Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) and Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) drilling sites are available.
ODP Leg 117 Site Map
(Legs 100–210)
DSDP Map (Legs 1–96)