Reproduced online: 12 December 2006
ISSN 1096-2158

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In cooperation with the Ocean Drilling Program, the Texas A&M University Digital Library produced this electronic version from the original print volume. Volume and chapter citations have been updated since original publication to include a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to facilitate online access to scholarly and professional content (see “Citations Related to ODP Legs” for updated citations).


1. Introduction
Shipboard Scientific Party

2. Explanatory Notes
Shipboard Scientific Party

3. SeaBeam and Seismic Reflection Surveys on the Ontong Java Plateau
L.A. Mayer, T.H. Shipley, E.L. Winterer, D. Mosher, and R.A. Hagen

4. Underway Geophysics
R.A. Hagen and Shipboard Scientific Party


5. Site 803
Shipboard Scientific Party

6. Site 804
Shipboard Scientific Party

7. Site 805
Shipboard Scientific Party

8. Site 806
Shipboard Scientific Party

9. Site 807
Shipboard Scientific Party


10. Ontong Java Plateau, Leg 130: Synopsis of Major Drilling Results
W.H. Berger, L.W. Kroenke, L.A. Mayer, and Shipboard Scientific Party


11. High-Resolution, Whole-Core Magnetic Susceptibility Data from Leg 130, Ontong Java Plateau
J.A. Tarduno, L.A. Mayer, R. Musgrave, and Shipboard Scientific Party

12. Inorganic Geochemistry Summary
M.L. Delaney and Shipboard Scientific Party

13. GRAPE Density Records and Density Cyclicity
E. Jansen, L.A. Mayer, and Shipboard Scientific Party

  Shipboard core description forms and core photographs for the following sites are available. The entire set of core images is available in PDF in the IMAGES directory. 
Site 803   Site 804   Site 805
Site 806   Site 807    
  JOIDES Advisory Groups

Sample-Distribution Policy


Initial Reports: Volume 130, Chapter 11:
Figure 1. Whole-core magnetic susceptibility data from Holes 805A, 806A, and 807A to 35 mbsf using an 80-mm Bartington MS2C Sensor.
Figure 2. Correlation between Holes 805A and 805C using whole-core magnetic susceptibility data.
Figure 3. Correlation between Holes 806A, 806B, and 806C to 15.0 mbsf using whole-core magnetic susceptibility data.
Figure 4. Comparison of whole-core magnetic susceptibility data for Site 806A using an 80-mm Bartington MS2C sensor and a 100-mm MS1C Bartington sensor.
Figure 11. Correlation between Holes 807A and 807B using whole-core magnetic susceptibility data.
Figure 13. Correlation between Holes 807A, 805C, and 806A/C down to 7.0 mbsf using whole-core magnetic susceptibility data.


Summary of FMS log data: see LDEO Database

  Initial Reports: Volume 130, Chapter 4:
Table 1. Navigation data

Initial Reports: Volume 130, Chapter 5:
Table 9. Carbonate and inorganic carbon data, Site 803
Table 11. Laboratory vane shear strength, Site 803
Table 12. Laboratory compressional wave velocity, Site 803
Table 13. Discrete index properties, Site 803

Initial Reports: Volume 130, Chapter 6:
Table 5. Carbonate and inorganic carbon data, Site 804
Table 7. Shear strength data, Site 804
Table 9. Index properties data, Site 804
Table 10. P-wave velocity data, Site 804

Initial Reports: Volume 130, Chapter 7:
Table 8. Carbonate and inorganic carbon data, Holes 805B and 805C
Table 9. Laboratory vane shear strength, Holes 805B and 805C
Table 10. Discrete index properties, Holes 805B and 805C
Table 11. P-wave velocity data, Holes 805B and 805C

Initial Reports: Volume 130, Chapter 8:
Table 6. Concentrations of total carbon and inorganic carbon, Hole 806B
Table 7. Shear strength data, Holes 806B and 806C
Table 8. Index properties data, Holes 806B and 806C
Table 9. P-wave velocity data, Holes 806B and 806C

Initial Reports: Volume 130, Chapter 9:
Table 14. P-wave velocity data, Site 807

Leg-Related Citations
Citations to scientific publications related to this and other ODP legs are available.
Leg 130 Leg-Related Citations
Ocean Drilling Citation Database 
ODP Citations (Legs 101–210)
A site map showing the drilling locations for this leg and maps showing the drilling locations of all Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) and Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) drilling sites are available.
ODP Leg 130 Site Map
ODP Map (Legs 100–210)
DSDP Map (Legs 1–96)