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Absecon Inlet Formation

biostratigraphy, B:118-120, 122
clay mineralogy, B:60-63
lithostratigraphy, B:19-20
sequence stratigraphy, B:243-266
stratigraphy, B:8-10

ACGS#4 borehole

biofacies, B:207-228
Oligocene, B:81-86
paleoenvironment, B:239

ACGSalpha Unit, lithostratigraphy, A:23-24

advection, strontium, B:352-353

age vs. depth, New Jersey Coastal Plain, B:131-132, 170-171,195-197, 208-209, 233-235, 265, 308-310

Allaire borehole, comparison to Island Beach borehole, B:224

allisoleucine. See D-allisoleucine/L-isoleucene ratio

allostratigraphy, Miocene, B:134

allounits, Miocene, B:143


photograph, B:44
See also diagenesis; glauconitization; sideritization


heavy minerals, B:75-79

aluminum, diagenesis, B:28, 35

amino acids

shells, B:355-357
See also D-allisoleucine/L-isoleucene ratio


Quaternary, B:355-357
See also geochronology; racemization


heavy minerals, B:75-79
sediments, B:50, 54

anions, vs. depth, B:332-333


chemistry, B:344-354
lithostratigraphy, A:22
lower Miocene, B:318-320

Arcadia Formation, deposition, B:153

Ash Marl, Eocene, B:209-210

Atlantic City 800-foot sand, pore water, B:343-354

Atlantic City borehole

biofacies, B:207-228
biostratigraphy, B:118-121, 135, 137-140
boreholes, B:9
clay mineralogy, B:49-57, 61
diagenesis, B:27-28, 30-31
diatoms, B:161-165
magnetostratigraphy, B:298-301
Miocene, A:16
Oligocene, B:81-86, 192
pore water, B:343-354
sediments, B:317-341

Atlantic City Formation

biostratigraphy, B:119, 122
clay mineralogy, B:60-63
lithostratigraphy, B:20-21, 81-87
sediments, B:50
stratigraphy, B:7-10

Atlantic Coastal Plain

clay mineralogy, B:59-64
foraminiferal biostratigraphy, B:111-127
magnetic susceptibility, B:65-74
Oligocene-Miocene correlation, B:147-159
Paleocene-Eocene, B:91-110

authigenesis, sediments, B:53-54

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Belleplain Member, clay mineralogy, B:60-61

Big Brook, ostracodes, B:289

bioevents, foraminiferal biofacies, B:262


benthic foraminifers, B:267-275
Eocene, B:207-228
foraminifers, B:83, 169-186, 198-199, 201
Oligocene, B:194-201
ostracodes, B:289

Biofacies A

foraminifers, B:198, 213, 232
ostracodes, B:289

Biofacies B

foraminifers, B:198, 213, 232
ostracodes, B:289

Biofacies C, foraminifers, B:198, 213, 232

Biofacies D, foraminifers, B:198, 213, 232

Biofacies E, foraminifers, B:198-199, 213, 232

Biofacies F, foraminifers, B:199, 213, 232

Biofacies G, foraminifers, B:199, 213, 232

Biofacies H, foraminifers, B:199, 201, 214, 232


Cape May Site, A:24-26
foraminifers, B:111-127
Miocene, B:129-145
nannofossils, B:91-110
Oligocene, B:82-85
ostracodes, B:287-292

biotopes. See neritic biotopes; paralic biotopes

Blue Marl, Eocene, B:209-210

Brigantine Member

clay mineralogy, B:60-61, 63
lithostratigraphy, B:21
revised definition, B:186

burrows, lithostratigraphy, B:18

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chemical reactions, B:338-339
diagenesis, B:28, 35
vs. depth, B:334
vs. sulfate, B:350
See also sodium/calcium ratio; sulfate/calcium ratio

calcium carbonate

petrography, B:27-28, 33, 36
vs. depth, B:35-36, 40

Cape May borehole, A:5-28

aminostratigraphy, B:355-357
biostratigraphy, A:24-26; B:120, 122-123, 125, 130-136
boreholes, B:9-10
clay mineralogy, B:60
core description, A:10-13
diatoms, B:161-165
heavy minerals, B:75-79
lithostratigraphy, A:9-24
magnetostratigraphy, B:301-303
Oligocene, B:81-86, 191
operations, A:7-9
Pleistocene, B:355-357
site description, A:5-28
strontium-isotope stratigraphy, A:26
summary and conclusions, A:26-27

Cape May Formation

lithostratigraphy, A:13-14
sediments, B:53
stratigraphy, B:7, 9-10

carbon, vs. depth, B:335

carbon, organic, vs. age, B:312

carbon isotopes

Paleocene-Eocene, B:305-315
vs. age, B:310-313
vs. oxygen isotopes, B:313
See also stable isotopes


provenance, B:156-158
See also iron carbonate

cation exchange capacity

pore water, B:322-323, 328-338
vs. depth, B:335
See also ion exchange


vs. depth, B:331-332
See also ion exchange


petrography, B:27-28, 35, 39
photograph, B:46


clay mineralogy, B:49-57
coastal plains, B:361-373

chalk, diagenesis, B:31

chert, petrography, B:27


chemical reactions, B:338-339
vs. depth, B:332, 335
vs. sodium, B:350
See also sodium/chloride ratio

chloride/strontium ratio, pore water, B:348

chlorite, sediments, B:50, 53

Chron C12r, sediments, B:297

Chron C20, sediments, B:297

Chron C22n, Eocene, B:239

Chron C22r, Eocene, B:239

Chron C23n, sediments, B:298

Chron C24n, sediments, B:298

Cibicides spp., stable isotopes, B:307

clasts. See intraclasts


glauconite, lithostratigraphy, A:23
lithostratigraphy, B:16, 18, 255
pore water, B:343-354
textures, B:317-341

clay, sandy, lithostratigraphy, A:14-18

clay, silty

lithostratigraphy, A:13-24
photograph, A:20-21

Clay Mineralogical Zone 1, sediments, B:53

Clay Mineralogical Zone 2, sediments, B:50, 53

Clay Mineralogical Zone 3, sediments, B:50

Clay Mineralogical Zone 4, sediments, B:50

Clay Mineralogical Zone 5, sediments, B:50

Clay Mineralogical Zone 6, sediments, B:50

clay mineralogy

Cenozoic, B:49-57
diagenesis, B:33-34
lithostratigraphy, B:16, 18-23
Miocene, B:321-322, 326, 328
pore water, B:338-339
sediments, B:59-64
See also halloysite; illite; illite/smectite; illite/vermiculite; kaolinite; kaolinite/halloysite; pyrophyllite; smectite

Clayton borehole, Paleocene-Eocene, B:92-93


clay mineralogy, B:60
sediments, B:50

cluster analysis

biofacies, B:214
sequences, B:272-273

coastal plains

Cenozoic, B:361-373
stratigraphy, A:3-13

coesite, diagenesis, B:31

Cohansey 1 Sequence, biostratigraphy, B:139

Cohansey 2 Sequence, biostratigraphy, B:139

Cohansey 3 Sequence, biostratigraphy, B:139-140

Cohansey 4 Sequence, biostratigraphy, B:140

Cohansey 5 Sequence, biostratigraphy, B:140

Cohansey 6 Sequence, biostratigraphy, B:140

Cohansey Formation

biostratigraphy, B:120, 122, 139-140
clay mineralogy, B:61
lithostratigraphy, A:15-17
sediments, B:50, 53

concentration gradients, pore water, B:339-340

conductance. See specific conductance

confining units, aquifers, B:318-320

continental shelf, Eocene, B:214-221

correlation, Miocene, B:133


facies, B:5-7
lithostratigraphy, B:16
ostracodes, B:287-292
See also Maastrichtian

Cretaceous, Upper, biostratigraphy, B:111-127

Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, biostratigraphy, B:124

crystallization, petrography, B:27

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D-allisoleucine/L-isoleucene ratio

mollusks, B:356-357
See also amino acids

Deal Member, Eocene, B:210

deep-sea environment, Paleocene-Eocene, B:305-315

demagnetization, glauconite sand, B:296-304

depocenters, Cenozoic, B:364-368


sea-level changes, B:25-48
sediments, B:53-55
See also alteration; glauconitization; sideritization

diatom ghosts, petrography, B:27


biostratigraphy, A:26
Neogene, B:161-165

diffusion, strontium, B:351-352

dinoflagellates, occurrence, B:136, 138


photograph, A:20-21
sequences, B:208-209
See also paraconformities; unconformities

dissolution, petrography, B:27, 35


diagenesis, B:30, 36-37
photograph, B:45

"Doubthouse" sequences, stratigraphy, B:6-7

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East Coast Diatom Zone, Neogene, B:161

East Coast Diatom Zone 6 sequence, lithostratigraphy, A:17-18

ejecta, diagenesis, B:31, 33-35


biostratigraphy, B:111-127
calcareous nannofossils, B:91-110
clay mineralogy, B:60-63
clays, A:17
foraminiferal biofacies, B:207-228
lithostratigraphy, A:23-24
lower/middle boundary, B:68
magnetostratigraphy, B:295-304
paleoclimatology, B:63, 229-242
sedimentation, B:305-315
sediments, B:27-36, 50
stratigraphy, B:8-10

Eocene, lower, sediments, B:27

Eocene, middle and upper, sediments, B:27-28

Eocene, upper, sequence stratigraphy, B:243-266

epidote, heavy minerals, B:75-79


coastal plains, B:361-373
Eocene, B:239-241
Oligocene-Miocene, B:7
See also glacioeustacy; regressions; sea-level changes; transgressions

Exxon cycles, Oligocene, B:203

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factor analysis, biofacies, B:211, 213-214

Farmingdale Member, Eocene, B:210

feldspar, sediments, B:50

feldspar, shocked, petrography, B:35

Florida, Oligocene-Miocene correlation, B:152-153

fluid migration, photograph, B:47

foraminiferal factors, vs. depth, B:248-257, 260-261


biostratigraphy, B:111-127
diagenesis, B:28, 30, 34-37
Oligocene, B:81-85
photograph, B:42, 46, 48

foraminifers, benthic

biofacies, B:169-186, 198-201
Eocene, B:207-228, 231-233
Oligocene-Miocene, B:7
paleobathymetry, B:199
Paleocene, B:267-275
Paleocene-Eocene, B:307-313
upper Eocene, B:245-247

foraminifers, planktonic

biostratigraphy, A:24-25
occurrence, A:25

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gamma rays, natural

Eocene, B:68
pass-through core measurements, B:65-74
vs. depth, B:69-74
vs. gamma-ray logs, B:67-68
vs. lithology, B:67-68

gamma-ray logs

natural gamma rays, B:67-68
vs. depth, B:69-74


heavy minerals, B:75-79
vs. depth, B:78


aminostratigraphy, B:355-357
Oligocene, B:194-198
See also aminostratigraphy; racemization

geostatistical models

pore water, B:324, 333-335
vs. depth, B:333-335

gibbsite, sediments, B:50


Miocene, B:142-144, 181-183
Oligocene, B:203-205
sequences, B:3-4
See also eustacy; regressions; sea-level changes; transgressions


illite, B:54-55
lithofacies, B:20
petrography, B:27-28, 31-37
vs. magnetic susceptibility, B:67

glauconite sand

biostratigraphy, B:124
Eocene, B:239
lithostratigraphy, A:18-23; B:16-22, 255
lower Miocene, A:17
magnetostratigraphy, B:296-304
Oligocene, B:190-205
photograph, A:20-21
See also sand


illite, B:54-55
See also alteration

global change

Eocene, B:229-242
Paleocene-Eocene, B:305-313

gravel, lithostratigraphy, A:13-14

Green Marl, Eocene, B:209-210

ground water, chemistry, B:344-354

H halloysite

photograph, B:57
sediments, B:50
See also clay mineralogy

heavy minerals

sediments, B:75-79
vs. depth, B:76
See also individual minerals

Highstand Systems Tract, photograph, A:20-21


lithostratigraphy, A:13-14; B:22
sediments, B:53
See also Pleistocene; Quaternary

Hornerstown Formation

biostratigraphy, B:114
clay mineralogy, B:62-63
lithostratigraphy, B:16, 18
stratigraphy, B:8-9

Howell Park, diagenesis, B:28

hydrogeochemistry, aquifers, B:320

hydrogeology, lower Miocene, B:318-320

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sediments, B:50, 53, 60-63
See also clay mineralogy


lithostratigraphy, B:16
photograph, B:57
sediments, B:50, 53-54, 60-63
See also clay mineralogy


sediments, B:50, 53-54
See also clay mineralogy

ilmenite, heavy minerals, B:75-79

impact ejecta, diagenesis, B:31, 33-35

impacts, sedimentation, B:368-370

indurated zones

lithostratigraphy, A:22
photograph, A:20-21

interstitial waters. See pore water


photograph, B:44

ion exchange

pore water, B:338-339
See also cation exchange capacity; cations


diagenesis, B:28, 35
vs. depth, B:331

iron, labile

pore water, B:322-324, 329-330
vs. depth, B:330

iron carbonate

diagenesis, B:30, 36
See also carbonates

Island Beach borehole

biofacies, B:207-228
biostratigraphy, B:112-118
boreholes, B:6-9
clay mineralogy, B:61-63
comparison to Allaire borehole, B:224
diagenesis, B:27, 29
diatoms, B:161-165
lithostratigraphy, B:15-24
magnetostratigraphy, B:296-298
Oligocene, B:81-86, 193
ostracodes, B:287-292
Paleocene-Eocene, B:93

isoleucine. See D-allisoleucine/L-isoleucene ratio

isopach maps, Oligocene, B:204

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lithofacies, B:19-22
photograph, B:48, 57
sediments, B:50, 53, 60-63
See also clay mineralogy


sediments, B:53-54
See also clay mineralogy

Kirkwood 0 Sequence

biostratigraphy, B:122, 137
clay mineralogy, B:61
deposition, B:152, 176

Kirkwood 1 Sequence, deposition, B:149, 152, 176-178

Kirkwood 1a Sequence

biofacies, B:176-178, 278
biostratigraphy, B:122, 137
clay mineralogy, B:61-62
lithostratigraphy, A:22; B:21, 62

Kirkwood 1b Sequence

biofacies, B:178, 278
biostratigraphy, B:122, 137
lithostratigraphy, A:22; B:21-22, 62

Kirkwood 1c Sequence

biofacies, B:178
biostratigraphy, B:122, 137-138

Kirkwood 2 Sequence, deposition, B:149, 151-152

Kirkwood 2a Sequence

biofacies, B:178-179, 279
biostratigraphy, B:122, 138-139
clay mineralogy, B:60
lithostratigraphy, A:19; B:22, 62
sediments, B:50

Kirkwood 2b Sequence

biofacies, B:179, 279
biostratigraphy, B:120, 122, 139
clay mineralogy, B:60
lithostratigraphy, A:19
sediments, B:50

Kirkwood 2c Sequence

biofacies, B:179
biostratigraphy, B:122, 139
clay mineralogy, B:60

Kirkwood 3 Sequence

biofacies, B:180, 280
biostratigraphy, B:120, 122, 139
clay mineralogy, B:60
deposition, B:151-152
lithostratigraphy, B:17-18
sediments, B:50

Kirkwood Formation

biostratigraphy, B:119-120, 122, 137-139
clay mineralogy, B:60-63
lithology, B:170-171
lithostratigraphy, A:15-23; B:21-22
lower Miocene, A:15, 17
middle Miocene, A:14
mineralogy, B:317-341
photograph, A:20-21
pore water, B:343-354
revised definition, B:186
sediments, B:50
stratigraphy, B:7, 9-10

Kirkwood-Cohansey Sequence

biofacies, B:180
lithostratigraphy, A:15-17

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L-isoleucine. See D-allisoleucine/L-isoleucene ratio

leucoxene, heavy minerals, B:75-79


chemical reactions, B:338-339
vs. depth, B:334


lithostratigraphy, B:16-22
tectonic controls, B:5-7, 173


Cape May Site, A:9-24
comparison of sequences at Island Beach and Cape May, B:13
Eocene, B:207-228
Island Beach borehole, B:15-24
vs. depth, B:69-74

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ostracodes, B:287-292
See also Cretaceous


chemical reactions, B:338-339
diagenesis, B:28
vs. depth, B:334

magnetic inclination, vs. depth, B:297, 299, 301, 303

magnetic polarity

sediments, B:296-304
vs. depth, B:297, 299, 301, 303

magnetic susceptibility

pass-through core measurements, B:65-74
vs. depth, B:66, 69-74
vs. glauconite, B:67
vs. lithology, B:67-68

magnetostratigraphy, Eocene-Miocene, B:295-304

Manasquan Formation

biostratigraphy, B:116
clay mineralogy, B:62-63
Eocene, B:209-210
lithostratigraphy, B:18-19
stratigraphy, B:8

manganese, vs. depth, B:331

Maryland, correlation, B:141-142

mass accumulation rates

chronology, B:140-141
See also sedimentation rates

maximum flooding surface, Oligocene, B:193, 239


petrography, B:35
See also tektites


biofacies, B:169-186
biostratigraphy, B:111-127, 129-145
clay mineralogy, B:60-63
correlation between Cape May and Atlantic City sections, A:16
lithostratigraphy, A:15-23
magnetostratigraphy, B:295-304
paleoclimatology, B:63, 277-285
pore water, B:343-354
sediments, B:50
stratigraphy, B:7, 9-10

Miocene, lower

glauconite sand equivalents to the Kirkwood Formation, A:17
Kirkwood Formation, A:15
sediments, B:317-341

Miocene, middle, Kirkwood Formation, A:14

Miocene, upper, sediments, B:75-79

mixing reactions, pore water, B:338-339


aminostratigraphy, B:355-357
reworking, B:351

monazite, heavy minerals, B:75-79

Monmouth County, ostracodes, B:289

montmorillonite, sediments, B:60-63

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nannofossils, calcareous

biostratigraphy, A:25-26
Paleocene-Eocene, B:91-110
photographs, B:106-110
Zones NP9-NP10, B:94-97
Zones NP9-NP12, B:98-100

Navesink Formation

biostratigraphy, B:112-114
clay mineralogy, B:62-63
ostracodes, B:287-289


biostratigraphy, A:24-25
diatoms, B:161-165
lithostratigraphy, B:21-22

neritic biotopes

benthic foraminifers, B:269-270
See also paralic biotopes

neritic environment

biofacies, B:177-180, 198-202
lithostratigraphy, B:16
See also paleoenvironment; sedimentation

New Jersey, ostracodes, B:289

New Jersey Coastal Plain

biostratigraphy, B:111-127, 129-145
coastal plains, B:361-373
diagenesis, B:25-48
diatoms, B:161-165
Eocene, B:207-242
foraminiferal biofacies, B:169-186
magnetostratigraphy, B:295-304
Oligocene, B:81-87, 187-206
Oligocene-Miocene correlation, B:147-152
ostracodes, B:287-292
Paleocene, B:267-275
Paleocene-Eocene, B:305-315
paleoclimatology, B:277-285
Pleistocene, B:355-357
sea-level changes, B:25-48
site description, A:5-28
stratigraphy, B:3-13
upper Eocene, B:243-266

New Jersey continental slope, diagenesis, B:25-48

New Jersey Sea-Level Transect, stratigraphy, B:3-4

Nocatee Member, deposition, B:153

nodules, lithostratigraphy, A:23-24

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Ocala Limestone, deposition, B:153

offshore studies, comparison with onshore studies, B:10-11


biostratigraphy, B:111-127
clay mineralogy, B:60-63
glauconite sands, A:17
lithostratigraphy, A:23; B:81-87
magnetostratigraphy, B:295-304
paleoclimatology, B:63
sediments, B:50
sequences, B:187-206
stratigraphy, B:7-10

Oligocene-Miocene, reflectors, B:7

Oligocene-Miocene correlation, strontium isotopes, B:147-159

onshore studies, comparison with offshore studies, B:10-11

opal, biogenic, vs. depth, B:35-36, 40

opal A, petrography, B:27-28, 30, 36-37


petrography, B:27-28, 30, 36
photograph, B:48
sediments, B:50, 53

orthoclase, diagenesis, B:31

ostracodes, Cretaceous, B:287-292

oxidation, pore water, B:338-339

oxygen isotopes

Cenozoic, B:363-364, 370
correlation, B:155-157
Eocene, B:238-241
Miocene, B:143, 283
Oligocene, B:189
Paleocene-Eocene, B:305-315
vs. age, B:310-312, 370
vs. carbon isotopes, B:313
See also stable isotopes

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benthic foraminifers, B:199, 214-221, 225
distribution, B:212


biostratigraphy, B:111-127
calcareous nannofossils, B:91-110
sedimentation, B:305-315
sequence stratigraphy, B:267-275
stratigraphy, B:8-9


Cenozoic, B:55, 181-183
clay mineralogy, B:63, 402
Eocene, B:229-242
Miocene, B:277-285
Paleocene-Eocene, B:305-315

paleodepth, benthic foraminifers, B:214-221, 226-227, 247, 249, 311-312

paleoecology, benthic foraminifers, B:269-270


lithostratigraphy, B:15-24, 214-221
ostracodes, B:289
Paleocene, B:269-270
Paleocene-Eocene, B:305-315
systems tracts, B:175-180, 201-203, 232-238
See also neritic environment; sedimentation; shelf environment


biostratigraphy, B:111-127
lithostratigraphy, B:16, 18-21


biostratigraphy, B:129-145
Miocene, B:277-285


sequences, B:208-209
See also unconformities

paralic biotopes

benthic foraminifers, B:269
See also neritic biotopes

passive margins, tectonic controls, B:4, 181-183

petrography, sediments, B:27-35

pH, vs. depth, B:335

plagioclase, diagenesis, B:31


aminostratigraphy, B:355-357
lithostratigraphy, A:13-14; B:22
sediments, B:50, 53, 75-79
See also Holocene; Quaternary


lithostratigraphy, A:14-15
sediments, B:75-79

polytungstate. See sodium polytungstate

porcellanite, petrography, B:28

pore water

chemistry, B:331-338, 343-354
quality, B:317-341

Poricy Brook, ostracodes, B:289

potassium, diagenesis, B:28, 35

principal component analysis, pore water, B:324


siliciclastics, B:156-158
See also sedimentation


diagenesis, B:39
lithostratigraphy, A:23-24
photograph, B:44
vs. depth, B:78


heavy minerals, B:75-79
vs. depth, B:78


clay mineralogy, B:61
See also clay mineralogy

pyroxene, heavy minerals, B:75-79

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diagenesis, B:30, 30-35
photograph, B:44, 48
sediments, B:50, 53

quartz sand

lithostratigraphy, A:15-17, B:18
See also sand

quartz, shocked, petrography, B:35


aminostratigraphy, B:355-357
stratigraphy, B:7, 9-10
See also Holocene; Pleistocene

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amino acids, B:355-357
See also aminostratigraphy; geochronology

recycling, glauconite, B:193

Red Bank Formation

biostratigraphy, B:112-114
ostracodes, B:287-289

Red Bank-Navesink Formations, lithostratigraphy, B:16

reduction, pore water, B:338-339

reflectors, Oligocene-Miocene, B:7


lithostratigraphy, B:16-22
Oligocene, B:190-205
See also eustacy; glacioeustacy; sea-level changes; transgressions

reworking, shells, B:351

rolling basins, Cenozoic, B:364-368

rutile, heavy minerals, B:75-79

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Salibury Embayment, correlation, B:141-142


lithostratigraphy, A:13-24
Oligocene-Miocene, A:18
See also glauconite sand; quartz sand

sand, clayey, lithostratigraphy, A:18-23

sand, shelly, lithostratigraphy, A:15-17

sandstone, lithostratigraphy, A:22-23

Sandy Hook Member, ostracodes, B:287-289

sea-level changes

coastal plains, B:361-373
diagenesis, B:25-48
Eocene, B:229-242
Miocene, B:142-144, 181-183
Oligocene, B:203-205
Oligocene-Miocene correlation, B:147-159
Paleocene, B:272-274
Paleocene-Eocene, B:312-313
tectonic controls, B:3-4
See also eustacy; glacioeustacy; regressions; transgressions

sediment supply, coastal plains, B:361-373

sediment-water interaction, pore water, B:344-345


coastal plains, B:147-159, 361-373
correlation, B:155-158, 181-183, 204-205
environment, A:27; B:54-55, 198-202
Paleocene, B:305-315
See also neritic environment; provenance; shelf environment

sedimentation rates

Cenozoic, B:368-370
Miocene, B:172-174, 181
See also mass accumulation rates


clay mineralogy, B:49-57, 59-64
distribution, B:212, 266
Eocene, B:27-36
heavy minerals, B:75-79
mineralogy, B:317-341

Sequence E1, Eocene, B:233-234

Sequence E2, Eocene, B:235-236

Sequence E3, Eocene, B:236

Sequence E4, Eocene, B:236-237

Sequence E5, Eocene, B:237

Sequence E6, Eocene, B:237-238

Sequence E7, Eocene, B:238

Sequence E8, Eocene, B:238

Sequence E10, Eocene, B:249, 251

Sequence E11, Eocene, B:251, 253, 255

Sequence FM1, deposition, B:153

Sequence FM3, deposition, B:153

Sequence FM4, deposition, B:153

Sequence FM5, deposition, B:153

Sequence FO1, deposition, B:153

Sequence FO2, deposition, B:153

Sequence FO3, deposition, B:153

Sequence O1, Oligocene, B:195, 201

Sequence O2, Oligocene, B:195-196, 201-202

Sequence O3, Oligocene, B:196-197, 202

Sequence O4, Oligocene, B:197, 202

Sequence O5, Oligocene, B:197, 202

Sequence O6, Oligocene, B:198, 202-203

Sequence Pa1, Paleocene, B:271-272

Sequence Pa2, Paleocene, B:272

Sequence Pa3, Paleocene, B:272

sequence stratigraphy, Paleocene, B:267-275


biofacies, B:169-186
biostratigraphy, B:129-145
coastal plains, B:361-373
Eocene, B:207-242
facies, B:8
glacioeustatic changes, B:3-4
Miocene, B:142-144, 277-285
Oligocene, B:82-85, 187-206
Oligocene-Miocene, B:7
Oligocene-Miocene correlation, B:147-159
vs. depth, B:69-74, 367

Sewell Point Formation

biostratigraphy, B:118-119, 122
clay mineralogy, B:60-63
lithostratigraphy, B:20, 81-87
sediments, B:50
stratigraphy, B:8-10

Shark River Formation

biostratigraphy, B:116, 118
Eocene, B:209-210
lithostratigraphy, B:19
sediments, B:50
stratigraphy, B:8-9

shelf environment

Paleocene-Eocene, B:305-315
See also paleoenvironment; sedimentation

shell hash, lithostratigraphy, A:19

shells, strontium, B:351

Shiloh Marl Member

clay mineralogy, B:60
lithostratigraphy, B:21-22


lithofacies, B:20
See also alteration; diagenesis


chemical reactions, B:338-339
diagenesis, B:27-28, 30
photograph, B:47
vs. depth, B:331-332, 335

silicates. See aluminosilicates


sedimentation, B:156-158, 368-370
tectonic controls, B:4

silicon, diagenesis, B:28, 35


lithostratigraphy, B:16, 18, 255
pore water, B:343-354
textures, B:317-341

silt, glauconitic, lithofacies, B:20

siltstone, diagenesis, B:33

Site 605, Paleocene-Eocene, B:93-95

Site 902, diagenesis, boreholes, B:33-34

Site 903, diagenesis, boreholes, B:30-32

Site 904, diagenesis, boreholes, B:34-35, 38-39

Site 906, diagenesis, boreholes, B:31, 33, 37

slope biotopes, benthic foraminifers, B:270


diagenesis, B:53-54
photograph, B:57
sediments, B:50, 53
See also clay mineralogy


vs. chloride, B:350
vs. depth, B:334, 348

sodium polytungstate, heavy minerals, B:75-79

sodium/calcium ratio, pore water, B:348

sodium/chloride ratio, pore water, B:348

sodium/strontium ratio, pore water, B:348

specific conductance, vs. depth, B:335

Squankum Member, Eocene, B:210

stable isotopes

Paleocene-Eocene, B:305-315
See also carbon isotopes; oxygen isotopes; strontium isotopes

staurolite, heavy minerals, B:75-79

stratigraphy, A:3-13


chemical reactions, B:338-339
sources, B:350-351
vs. calcium, B:350
vs. chloride, B:350
vs. depth, B:332, 334, 348
See also sodium/strontium ratio

strontium isotopes

chronology, B:141, 172
Oligocene, B:82-85, 194
Oligocene-Miocene correlation, B:147-159
pore water, B:343-354
vs. depth, B:157, 349
See also stable isotopes

strontium-isotope stratigraphy, A:26


chemical reactions, B:338-339
pore water, B:322-324, 329
vs. calcium, B:350
vs. depth, B:330, 332, 334, 348

sulfate/calcium ratio, pore water, B:348

sulfur, vs. depth, B:330

sulfur, labile, pore water, B:322-324, 328-329

"Suwannee" Limestone, deposition, B:153

systems tracts

Eocene, B:238-241
Oligocene, B:190-205
Paleocene, B:269, 273-274
paleoenvironment, B:175-180

systems tracts, highstand, Oligocene, B:193

systems tracts, lowstand, Oligocene, B:193

systems tracts, transgressive, Oligocene, B:193

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tectonic controls, glacioeustatic changes, B:3-4


coastal plains, B:361-373
sedimentation, B:155-158, 181-183, 203-205


petrography, B:35
See also microtektites


facies, B:5-7
See also individual epochs

textures, clay, B:317-341

Toms River Member, Eocene, B:210

tourmaline, heavy minerals, B:75-79


biofacies, B:177-180
lithostratigraphy, B:16-22
Oligocene, B:190-205
sequences, B:272-273
See also eustacy; glacioeustacy; regressions; sea-level changes

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clay mineralogy, B:63
correlation, B:155-157, 208-209
Eocene, B:238-241
gamma rays, B:67-68
lithostratigraphy, A:19; B:16-22
Miocene, B:144, 170
Oligocene, B:190-205
Paleocene, B:272-274
photograph, B:42, 45, 47-48
sediments, B:27-35, 50, 203-205, 296-304
See also disconformities; paraconformities

unconformities, basal, Oligocene, B:195

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Vincentown Formation

biostratigraphy, B:114-116
clay mineralogy, B:62-63
Eocene, B:210
lithostratigraphy, B:18
stratigraphy, B:8-9

Virginia, correlation, B:141-142

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Wildwood Member

clay mineralogy, B:60-61
lithostratigraphy, B:22

wood fragments, lithostratigraphy, A:13-14

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zircon, heavy minerals, B:75-79

Zone P18, photograph, A:20-21

Zone P19, photograph, A:20-21

zoning, nannofossils, B:92-106