Figures F1-F50
Figures F51-F94
Tables T1-T25

F1. Bathymetric map showing location of Hole 801C.

F2. Seismic section and stratigraphy of Site 801.

F3. Lithostratigraphic section of Hole 801C basement, with Ar/Ar ages and apparent porosity.

F4. Well-preserved internal structure of a radiolarian.

F5. Summary of lithology.

F6. Basement stratigraphy and unit boundaries.

F7. Volume percent of breccia and interpillow materials.

F8. Cherty interpillow sediments.

F9. Basalt and interpillow breccia.

F10. Pillow margins without glass.

F11. Contact between Unit 48 and interpillow material.

F12. Basalt flow base and recrystallized sediment.

F13. Thin flow units with basalt clasts.

F14. Altered hyaloclastite.

F15. Glassy rim of an aphyric basalt pillow.

F16. Hyaloclastite breccia.

F17. Aphyric basalt breccia.

F18. Aphyric basalt with carbonate-filled vesicles.

F19. Variable distribution of vesicles.

F20. Typical groundmass of the basalts.

F21. Skeletal magnetites.

F22. Saponite-altered olivines.

F23. Cryptocrystalline materials with plagioclase laths and oxides.

F24. Contact between pillow and interpillow material.

F25. Frequency of glass in basalts.

F26. Euhedral plagioclase phenocrysts.

F27. Medium-grained basalt.

F28. Assemblage of phenocrysts.

F29. Dendritic overgrowths on plagioclase phenocryst.

F30. Divergent, branching fibers of plagioclase.

F31. Mineral abundance and size of groundmass with depth.

F32. Phenocryst abundance and size with depth.

F33. Plagioclase phenocryst.

F34. Abundance of plagioclase phenocrysts in basalts.

F35. Altered olivine phenocryst.

F36. Fresh olivine phenocryst.

F37. MgO, Cr, Zr, and Zr/Y plotted vs. depth.

F38. MgO vs. Al2O3 for least-altered basalts.

F39. Zr vs. Y for least-altered basalts.

F40. Abundance and distribution of veins, breccias, and interpillow material.

F41. Volume percent of minerals and rock materials.

F42. Proportions of minerals in veins.

F43. Veins with alteration halos.

F44. Types of hyaloclastite and breccia.

F45. Diabase cut by several generations of veins.

F46. Interpillow material of core.

F47. Altered interpillow sediment.

F48. Interpillow sediment/lava interface.

F49. Distribution of alteration types.

F50. Alteration types and gradational nature of boundaries.

Figures F1-F50
Figures F51-F94
Tables T1-T25