Figures F1-F33
Figures F34-F65
Figures F66-F97
Tables T1-T15

F1. Track of Shinkai Dive 427 and bathymetry for Site 1268.

F2. Comparison of depth data.

F3. Lithology and stratigraphy, Hole 1268A.

F4. Upper and lower contacts of Unit II.

F5. Pyroxene crystals along a contact with dunite.

F6. Primary orthopyroxene morphologies.

F7. Altered orthopyroxene crystals in serpentinized olivine.

F8. Orthopyroxene porphyroclast recrystallized into subgrains.

F9. Protogranular to porphyroclastic textures in harzburgite.

F10. Spinel and clinopyroxene near recrystallized orthopyroxene.

F11. Altered clinopyroxene crystals.

F12. Orthopyroxene/spinel textural relations.

F13. Altered pyroxene in harzburgites and dunites.

F14. Textures in recrystallized orthopyroxenite.

F15. Intrusion breccia typical of Unit II.

F16. Pegmatitic textured gabbro.

F17. Stratigraphic distribution of modal orthopyroxene.

F18. Photograph/XRD of a serpentinized harzburgite.

F19. Serpentinized harzburgite.

F20. Interlocking texture in a serpentinized harzburgite.

F21. Photograph/XRD of talc-altered serpentinized harzburgite.

F22. Talc-altered serpentinite with serpentine pseudomorphs.

F23. Orthopyroxene pseudomorphed by talc and pyrite.

F24. Serpentine partly replaced by talc + pyrite veinlets.

F25. Talc-altered rock with original serpentinite microtexture.

F26. Talc veins replacing serpentinite and crosscutting chrysotile veins.

F27. Completely serpentinized harzburgite with magmatic dikes.

F28. Intrusion breccias.

F29. Intrusion of gabbro into serpentinized harzburgite.

F30. Moderately altered gabbro.

F31. Two pyroxenes in gabbro.

F32. Coronas along boundaries of plagioclase and pyroxene.

F33. Green amphibole and chlorite in gabbronorite.

Figures F1-F33
Figures F34-F65
Figures F66-F97
Tables T1-T15