Figures F1-F30
Figures F31-F60
Figures F61-F90
Figures F91-F118
Tables T1-T13

F61. Oxide gabbronorites.

F62. Oxide gabbronorites.

F63. Gabbronorite cut by microgabbro and pyroxenite band.

F64. Oxide layers in oxide gabbronorite.

F65. Gabbroic mylonite, Hole 1270B.

F66. Downhole crystal-plastic fabric intensity and foliation dips.

F67. Poles to crystal-plastic foliations.

F68. Brittlely deformed plagioclase neoblasts.

F69. Interstitial oxide along brittle shear zones.

F70. Synkinematic alteration to talc and chlorite.

F71. Cataclastic, crystal-plastic alteration vein intensity, Hole 1270B.

F72. Dip of brittle structures, Hole 1270B.

F73. Dips of alteration veins.

F74. Poles to alteration veins and brittle shear zones.

F75. Crystal-plastic deformation intensity with depth.

F76. Harzburgite and metagabbro crystal-plastic deformation intensities.

F77. Harzburgite deformation textures.

F78. Harzburgite deformation textures.

F79. Poles to magmatic and alteration veins in harzburgite.

F80. Mylonitic gabbroic veins.

F81. Gabbroic/pyroxenititic veins cutting peridotite.

F82. Crosscutting gabbroic and pyroxenite veins.

F83. Gabbroic veins in a foliated harzburgite.

F84. Talc on the boundary of an olivine porphyroclast.

F85. Boudinaged amphibole crystal.

F86. Strongly deformed amphibole-talc schist.

F87. Cataclastic, crystal-plastic alteration vein intensity and magmatic vein frequency.

F88. Dip of brittle features, Hole 1270D.

F89. Serpentine vein geometries.

F90. Poles to alteration veins and brittle shear zones.

Figures F1-F30
Figures F31-F60
Figures F61-F90
Figures F91-F118
Tables T1-T13