Figures F1-F30
Figures F31-F60
Figures F61-F90
Figures F91-F118
Tables T1-T13

F31. Alteration of gabbro.

F32. Pyroxene replaced by aggregates of brown amphibole.

F33. Brown amphibole and chlorite crosscutting gabbro.

F34. Intensely deformed interval.

F35. Microgabbro containing a possible alteration front.

F36. Vein composition, Hole 1270B.

F37. Chalcopyrite-rich talc veins.

F38. Pyroxene and olivine in serpentinized harzburgite.

F39. Serpentinized harzburgite hosting gabbroic schlieren.

F40. Vein composition, Hole 1270C.

F41. Carbonate vein crosscutting earlier serpentine veins.

F42. Alteration intensity, Hole 1270C.

F43. Clay and iron oxyhydroxide weathering of harzburgite.

F44. Serpentinized harzburgite forming boudins in gabbroic intrusion.

F45. Vein composition, Hole 1270D.

F46. Serpentine veins in serpentinized harzburgite.

F47. Three serpentine vein generations.

F48. Aragonite veins in clay-altered serpentinized harzburgite.

F49. Sulfide veins with pyrite chalcopyrite rims and hematite cores.

F50. Paragranular vs. transgranular serpentine veins.

F51. Timing between alteration and deformation.

F52. Green serpentinized "popcorn" harzburgite.

F53. Serpentine bastite pseudomorphs of primary orthopyroxene.

F54. Crystal-plastic deformation intensity with depth, Hole 1270A.

F55. Serpentinized harzburgite with a crosscutting altered gabbroic vein.

F56. Fault gouge/breccia.

F57. Serpentine shear zone.

F58. Harzburgite with serpentine veins parallel to crystal-plastic foliation.

F59. Crystal-plastic deformation intensities, Hole 1270B.

F60. Hole 1270B oxide gabbronorites.

Figures F1-F30
Figures F31-F60
Figures F61-F90
Figures F91-F118
Tables T1-T13