Figures F1-F30
Figures F31-F60
Figures F61-F90
Figures F91-F118
Tables T1-T13

F1. Bathymetry of survey tracks and hole locations.

F2. Track of Shinkai Dive 425, hole location, and bathymetric section for Site 1270.

F3. Lithostratigraphic summary, Hole 1270A.

F4. Coarse-grained orthopyroxene-rich harzburgite.

F5. Amphibole vein or dike crosscutting harzburgite.

F6. Orthopyroxene porphyroclast.

F7. Recrystallized orthopyroxene porphyroclast.

F8. Recrystallized orthopyroxene with olivine and clinopyroxene.

F9. Brown amphibole and iron oxides interstitial to olivine.

F10. Modal plagioclase and estimated magnetite.

F11. Estimation of magnetite from bulk susceptibility.

F12. Deformation of oxide gabbronorites.

F13. Clinopyroxene with inclusions of euhedral oxide crystals.

F14. Plagioclase preserved in deformed oxide gabbronorite.

F15. Ophitic clinopyroxene crystal.

F16. Lithologic summary, Hole 1270C.

F17. Orthopyroxenes with curved grain boundaries in olivine.

F18. Altered orthopyroxene porphyroclasts in altered harzburgite.

F19. Vermicular spinels in orthopyroxene.

F20. Gabbroic intrusion with mylonitic texture.

F21. Dunite lens with mylonitic texture.

F22. Lithology and stratigraphy, Hole 1270D.

F23. Harzburgite with anastomosing gabbroic intrusion.

F24. Clinopyroxene crosscutting harzburgite.

F25. Zr crystals in amphibole.

F26. Zr crystals in amphibole.

F27. Photograph and XRD for serpentinized harzburgite.

F28. Serpentinized harzburgite.

F29. Vein composition, Hole 1270A.

F30. Alteration intensity, Hole 1270B.

Figures F1-F30
Figures F31-F60
Figures F61-F90
Figures F91-F118
Tables T1-T13