Figures F1-F22
Figures F23-F44
Figures F45-F66
Tables T1-T12
Appendix Figure AF1

F45. Dips of veins and foliation.

F46. Poles to brittle shear zones and chrysotile foliation.

F47. Fault gouge showing variable clast contents and layering.

F48. Fault gouge with steeply dipping layering.

F49. SiO2 and H2O vs. MgO for peridotites.

F50. FeO vs. MgO whole-rock peridotites.

F51. CaO vs. Al2O3 in peridotites.

F52. Cr, V, and Sc vs. Al2O3 in peridotites.

F53. TiO2 and Zr vs. Al2O3 in peridotites.

F54. MgO/SiO2 vs. Al2O3/ SiO2 for peridotites.

F55. Physical properties in peridotites.

F56. MST magnetic susceptibility and NGR.

F57. Thermal conductivity of peridotites.

F58. Thermal conductivity anisotropy in peridotites.

F59. Thermal conductivity vs. bulk density.

F60. P-wave velocity vs. wet bulk density.

F61. Archive-half magnetic measurements.

F62. Vector endpoint diagrams.

F63. Discrete sample AMS and AARM.

F64. Archive-half inclinations and declinations.

F65. Archive-half ChRM.

F66. WSTP temperatures.

Figures F1-F22
Figures F23-F44
Figures F45-F66
Tables T1-T12
Appendix Figure AF1