Figures F1-F22
Figures F23-F44
Figures F45-F66
Tables T1-T12
Appendix Figure AF1

F1. Bathymetry and survey track for Hole 1274A.

F2. Track and bathymetric section for Site 1274.

F3. Lithostratigraphic summary, Hole 1274A.

F4. Typical harzburgite.

F5. Harzburgite/dunite contact.

F6. Pebble of mylonitic harzburgite.

F7. Mud interval from the fault gouge zone.

F8. Altered gabbro.

F9. Modal orthopyroxene percentage.

F10. Orthopyroxene textural relations.

F11. Olivine–orthopyroxene protogranular texture.

F12. Clinopyroxene.

F13. Poikilitic clinopyroxene.

F14. Large clinopyroxene crystal.

F15. Textural relations of clinopyroxene.

F16. Orthopyroxene grain-size reduction.

F17. Euhedral clinopyroxene and twinning.

F18. Orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene in peridotites.

F19. Observed spinel shape in dunite and harzburgite.

F20. Distribution of spinel shape in dunite and harzburgite.

F21. Spinel texture in harzburgite and dunite.

F22. Clinopyroxene and spinel-clinopyroxene symplectite in dunite.

Figures F1-F22
Figures F23-F44
Figures F45-F66
Tables T1-T12
Appendix Figure AF1