Figures F1-F22
Figures F23-F44
Figures F45-F66
Tables T1-T12
Appendix Figure AF1

F23. Gabbro in Unit I.

F24. Triple junctions between plagioclase neoblasts.

F25. Bent plagioclase twins.

F26. Reaction zone along harzburgite/gabbro contact.

F27. Brucite alteration in dunite.

F28. Serpentinized harzburgite.

F29. Kernels of olivine and brucite.

F30. Variability of alteration intensity.

F31. Orange-brown halos along aragonite veins.

F32. Serpentine mud breccias.

F33. Prehnite, zoisite, and andradite.

F34. Proportions of vein minerals.

F35. Mineral abundances in veins.

F36. Protogranular orthopyroxenes in harzburgites.

F37. High-temperature deformation textures in harzburgites.

F38. Deformation and alteration vein intensities with depth.

F39. Crystal-plastic deformation intensity.

F40. Deformation textures in harzburgite mylonite.

F41. Poles to crystal-plastic foliations.

F42. Deformation textures in a weakly deformed oxide gabbro.

F43. Partially serpentinized harzburgite.

F44. Alteration veins in harzburgites and dunites.

Figures F1-F22
Figures F23-F44
Figures F45-F66
Tables T1-T12
Appendix Figure AF1