Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F81
Figures F82-F108
Tables T1-T10

F28. Optically discontinuous resorbed plagioclase grain.

F29. Resorbed plagioclase cemented by oxide.

F30. Clinopyroxene exsolved orthopyroxene.

F31. Cluster of apatite crystals.

F32. Plagioclase and clinopyroxene alteration.

F33. Coarse-grained granophyric patch in diabase.

F34. Alteration intensities, Hole 1275B.

F35. Moderately altered gabbro.

F36. Moderately altered gabbro.

F37. Plagioclase replacement by green amphibole.

F38. Breakdown products of a primary Fe-Ti oxide.

F39. Felsic dikes and veins.

F40. Typical features of troctolite.

F41. Vein mineral composition, Hole 1275B.

F42. Vein mineralogy, Hole 1275B.

F43. Amphibole vein in moderately altered gabbro.

F44. Amphibole veinlets and amphibole-filled microcracks.

F45. Alteration of troctolites and gabbroic lithologies.

F46. Chlorite/smectite and amphibole replacing clinopyroxene and plagioclase.

F47. Green amphibole, talc, and magnetite replacing olivine.

F48. Mafic vein and host troctolite cut by felsic magmatic vein.

F49. Plagioclase alteration in a troctolite.

F50. Highly altered troctolite.

F51. Alteration intensities, Hole 1275D.

F52. Vein minerals, Hole 1275D.

F53. Vein mineralogy, Hole 1275D.

F54. Crystal-plastic intensity with depth.

Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F81
Figures F82-F108
Tables T1-T10