Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F81
Figures F82-F108
Tables T1-T10

F55. Crystal-plastic deformation by intensity.

F56. Cataclasite containing clasts of gabbro and diabase.

F57. Amphibole cataclasite.

F58. Diabase porphyroclast in gabbro cataclasite.

F59. Talc-chlorite-amphibole schist bordering undeformed diabase.

F60. Fine-grained talc-amphibole schist.

F61. Brittle deformation and alteration vein intensities, Hole 1275B.

F62. Dips of faults, fractures, and brittle shear zones with depth.

F63. Brittle deformation and alteration vein intensities, Hole 1275D.

F64. Alteration veins and crosscutting relationships in troctolites.

F65. Alteration veins and crosscutting relationships in gabbros.

F66. Dips of different vein types.

F67. Foliation, granophyric vein, and diabase contact orientations.

F68. Poles to magmatic foliations and granophyric and magmatic veins.

F69. H2O, Al2O3 and Mg# vs. SiO2.

F70. CO2 vs. CaO.

F71. FeO vs. MgO for troctolites.

F72. Ni and Cr vs. Mg#.

F73. TiO2, Zr, Cr, and V vs. Al2O3.

F74. Fe2O3 and Al2O3 vs. MgO for gabbros.

F75. Fe2O3 vs. TiO2 in gabbros.

F76. V vs. TiO2 in gabbros.

F77. Sc vs. Al2O3 in gabbros.

F78. Sc vs. TiO2 in gabbros.

F79. Zr vs. Y in gabbros.

F80. Physical properties, Hole 1275B.

F81. Physical properties, Hole 1275D.

Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F81
Figures F82-F108
Tables T1-T10