Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F81
Figures F82-F108
Tables T1-T10

F1. Bathymetric map and hole location for Site 1275.

F2. Hole location and bathymetric section for Site 1275.

F3. RAB-C and RCB recoveries.

F4. Lithostratigraphic summary, Hole 1275B.

F5. Fine-grained gabbro patches in medium-grained matrix.

F6. Typical troctolit.

F7. Coarse-grained/fine-grained gabbro contact.

F8. Flat, sharp gabbro contact.

F9. Crenulate gabbroic contacts.

F10. Grain size variations, Hole 1275B.

F11. Granophyre cutting gabbro.

F12. Amphibole grains from gabbro-granophyre reactions.

F13. Lithostratigraphic summary, Hole 1275D.

F14. Granophyre grading into gabbro.

F15. Grain size variations, Hole 1275D.

F16. Olivine gabbro texture.

F17. Crystal phyric diabase mixed with granophyre.

F18. Resorbed olivine in orthopyroxene oikocryst.

F19. Bent and skeletal plagioclase in olivine gabbro.

F20. Textures of olivine gabbros.

F21. Clinopyroxene and oxides in oxide gabbro.

F22. Visual oxide estimates vs. magnetic susceptibility.

F23. Oxide vs. magnetic susceptibility by grain size.

F24. Modal magnetite vs. magnetic susceptibility.

F25. Modal magnetite estimated from susceptibility, Hole 1275D.

F26. Detail of modal magnetite variation.

F27. Broken plagioclase crystals and plagioclase neoblasts.

Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F81
Figures F82-F108
Tables T1-T10