Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F81
Figures F82-F108
Tables T1-T10


F83. MST magnetic susceptibility.

F84. MST magnetic susceptibility in gabbros.

F85. Thermal conductivity.

F86. Thermal conductivity anisotropy.

F87. Thermal conductivity vs. bulk density.

F88. P-wave velocity vs. wet bulk density.

F89. Magnetic susceptibility vs. density, peridotites and gabbros.

F90. Archive-half magnetic measurements, Hole 1275B.

F91. Archive-half magnetic measurements, Hole 1275D.

F92. Vector endpoint diagrams, Hole 1275B.

F93. Vector endpoint diagrams for gabbros.

F94. Vector endpoint diagrams for diabase, microgabbros.

F95. AMS data.

F96. Inclination data.

F97. RAB-8 resistivity images.

F98. RAB-8 time-depth file.

F99. Static and dynamic images of possible fractures.

F100. RAB images of geographical orientations.

F101. RAB-8 gamma ray and resistivity logs.

F102. Caliper, resistivity, and porosity logs.

F103. Density, PEF, gamma ray, Th, U, K, and velocity logs.

F104. GPIT logs.

F105. Downhole temperature and pressure profiles.

F106. FMS images showing lithology change.

F107. FMS images showing steep and shallow fractures.

F108. FMS images suggesting lithologic contacts.

Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F81
Figures F82-F108
Tables T1-T10