Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41-F60
Figures F61-F80
Figures F81-F100
Figures F101-F120
Figures F121-F140
Figures F141-F160
Figures F161-F176
Tables T1-T20

F1. Site 1276 installation and cored intervals.

F2. Reentry 3.

F3. Reentry 6.

F4. Reentry 8.

F5. Sonar image of reentry.

F6. Lithostratigraphic summary.

F7. Laminated sandstone with mud-filled burrows, Unit 1.

F8. Graded grainstone turbidite, Unit 1.

F9. Redeposited graded grainstone with mudstone rip-up clasts, Unit 1.

F10. Grainstone, Unit 1.

F11. Sandy mudstone with carbonate granules and mudstone rip-up clasts, Unit 1.

F12. Sandy mudstone with swirled texture, Unit 1.

F13. Inferred shear band or deformed clast, Unit 1.

F14. Soft-sediment deformation in the upper part of Unit 1.

F15. Small reverse fault in graded grainstone, Unit 1.

F16. Repeated graded intervals, Unit 2.

F17. Typical normally graded intervals, Unit 2.

F18. Typical graded grainstone, Unit 2.

F19. Medium- to fine-grained, graded carbonate grainstone, Unit 2.

F20. Cross lamination with dark laminae, Unit 2.

Figures F1-F20
Figures F21-F40
Figures F41-F60
Figures F61-F80
Figures F81-F100
Figures F101-F120
Figures F121-F140
Figures F141-F160
Figures F161-F176
Tables T1-T20