Shipboard Measurements Panel (SMP)

March 1996

SMP motions and consensus statements requiring action by ODP/TAMU

Recommendation 96-1-2

SMP agrees with the deployment of the Teka TK04 Thermal Conductivity Apparatus as of Leg 167. This deployment will (for the time being) be in addition to the existing WHOI equipment. SMP also recommends that thought be given towards development of an RFP for the expansion of the TK04 apparatus to a multiprobe system. Finally SMP endorses the proposal to integrate the Teka program in the Physical Properties Laboratory and also in the JANUS Data Base.

Action: New TK04 thermcon system has been installed but falls short of an acceptable solution in its present configuration. (See Physical Properties Laboratory.)

Recommendation 96-1-3

SMP recommends that the natural gamma-ray system be configured for 256-channel data acquisition for routine spectral data collection and archival. SMP also concurs with the suggestion that the JANUS Data Base provide three report options: total counts only (for most short-count data sets); 5-window spectra compatible with Schlumberger Downhole Logging; and 256-channel spectra (for rare long count data sets). In addition, SMP supports the suggestion that ODP/TAMU shall purchase standards in 50 cm coreliner segments, having known amounts of K, U, and Th.

Action: Implementing (See Physical Properties Laboratory.)

Recommendation 96-1-4

SMP recommends that the present gamma-ray attenuation density calibration using two aluminum rods of different diameters be replaced by a method that uses a water core and an aluminum rod. This new calibration procedure should first undergo comparative testing. SMP also recommends that ODP/TAMU obtain funds for the purchase of an appropriate balance to determine the mass of whole cores, thus providing an overall check on “whole-core density” evaluations.

Action: A report on comparative testing was submitted to SMP at its fall 1996 meeting. (See Physical Properties Laboratory.)

Recommendation 96-1-5

SMP recommends that the bulk volume sampling method for density measurement be eliminated from the shipboard measurement program. In addition SMP recommends that the salt corrections should use a standard correction of 0.035 (salinity = 35) with the corresponding density of standard sea water.

Action: Support should be given to this type of measurement if desired by a scientist. Historic records indicate that it only need be measured as necessary. (See Physical Properties Laboratory.)

Recommendation 96-1-7

As a minimum, thin-section slides should be polished on the side mounted, so that they will be suitable for repolishing of the top surface to meet requirements for probe work and reflected light studies. If the top surface is not polished, then the cover slip should be attached with binder that will allow easy removal. All thin sections of hard rock material (or other appropriate material, e.g., massive sulfides) shall be polished, unless there are friability constraints to prevent this.

Action: This has been done.

Recommendation 96-1-8

SMP considers the collection of C/N data of primary importance and C & N data are to be considered as prime data. The CHNS apparatus should be plumbed for C/N only, unless an Organic Geochemist(s) indicates well in advance of the Leg that the S data are requested. In that case the apparatus will be plumbed for that purpose.

Action: This recommendation has been implemented although, recent legs have required S capabilities. (See Chemistry Laboratory.)

November 1996

Recommendation 96-2-9

SMP agrees that the ODP/TAMU purchased electrical resistivity apparatus should not be deployed onboard the ship at this time.

Action: Joris Gieskes has agreed to undertake the necessary development/modification of the instrument in his laboratory.

Recommendation 96-2-12

Action: ODP/TAMU is currently restructuring the LWGs. However, the provision of such cookbooks will be addressed as a high priority item when the new structure has been established.

Recommendation 96-2-13

SMP endorses the proposal by Peter Blum with regards to an evaluation of the thermal conductivity apparatus available on JOIDES Resolution: specifically that ODP initiate phase I of a development project with a modest budget (mainly travel) and the following objectives:

  1. refine the system specifications with input from expert users,
  2. review the upgraded Teka, WHOI, and any other existing system,
  3. specify requirements for these systems to meet specification,
  4. design one or more plan(s) for a high quality thermal conductivity system for ODP, and
  5. calculate costs.

In view of the importance of these measurements this project should be of high priority.

Recommendation 96-2-14

SMP urges consideration of the purchase of apparatus dedicated to the measurement of sulfur compositions of sediments or hard rocks (e.g., sulfides). Such apparatus will help prevent problems with the routine measurements of C/N ratios with the current CNHS equipment. In addition, a more reliable determination of sulfur contents of sedimentary rocks will become feasible.

Action: See Chemistry Laboratory.

Recommendation 96-2-15

Digital imaging will become increasingly important in the ODP and with high quality imaging of split cores it will soon replace core photography. In addition, records of this type can be used in the Visual Core Description Program. SMP, therefore, urges special attension to this subject in the near future and reccomends a detailed evaluation of the various techniques available, with the specific aim of merging various interests in imaging (e.g., digital photography; color scanning, core description).

Action: See JANUS Phase II (Visual Core Description Project).

Recommendation 96-2-16

SMP appreciates the development of the AppleCore program for sediment and structure descriptions onboard the JOIDES Resolution laboratories. However, it urges the release of sufficient funds towards the development of a digital imaging system that will allow the development of a modern manner of Core and Structure Descriptions.

Action: See JANUS Phase II (Visual Core Description Project).

Recommendation 96-2-17

SMP recommends that a workshop (sponsored by JOI) be held to plan for a Shipboard Microbiology Laboratory. This topic is of great interest to the scientific community, but guidance is necessary with regards to the most appropriate use of samples obtained by the drilling vessel.

Action: This is one of the new initiatives that the SSEP will discuss, and will set up a working group to deal with, at their January 1997 meeting.

Equipment priority lists

ODP Equipment List, Prioritized by SMP (November 1996)

Items >$50K

High priority: X-ray Diffractometer and split-core track development
Moderate priority: APC temperature tools
Lower priority: X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer and Axioscope
Other: Microbiology Laboratory

Items <$50K

High priority: NGR standards (pp lab), Leco S analyzer (chem lab), Digital cameras, shipboard color laser printer.
Lower priority: GC replacement (2), Dionex, Binocular Scopes, dGPS antenna

[ Contents of the Semiannual Report, No. 2, June-November 1996 |
Program Updates | New Initiatives | Project Summaries | Laboratory Working Groups |
Panel Recommendations | Appendixes |
Semiannual Report, No. 1, December-May 1996 ]