Ocean Drilling Program News Releases
Leg 132 - Applying a drilling technique analogous to a high-speed dental tool whirring through tooth enamel, the ODP took a significant step forward in recovering volcanic rock Leg 133 - After recovering sediment from beneath the Great Barrier Reef, oceanographers are rewriting the reef's geologic history and interpreting new evidence of changes in the global environment Leg 134 - Investigation of the deformation of plate edges and the volcanic record associated with plate movement Leg 135 - Study of sediment and rocks that will help solve a puzzle about the origin and evolution of a back-arc basin behind an arc-shaped line of active volcanoes Leg 136, 137 - ODP helps in effort to monitor earthquakes and cleans out the Pacific Ocean's deepest crustal hole Leg 138 - Scientists study equatorial Pacific sediments to find clues about climate Leg 139 - An ambitious program of drilling into scalding rocks of the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge Leg 139.2 - Scientists return after drilling into young oceanic crust along axes of seafloor spreading Leg 140-144 - not available |