Ocean Drilling Program News Releases
Leg 208 - Runaway Climate: Methane, Extreme Global Warming, and Massive Deep-Sea Changes Leg 207 - Ocean Drilling Program Recovers Evidence of Past Rapid Global Climate and Ocean Circulation Changes Leg 205 - Ocean Drilling Expedition Installs Two Long-term Observatories in the Seafloor off Costa Rica Leg 204 - Ocean Drilling Program Explores Large Gas Hydrate Field Offshore Oregon Leg 203 - Ocean Drilling Creates "Telescope" to the Inner Earth: Seafloor Observatories Leg 202 - Ocean Drilling Explores Climate Change in the Southeast Pacific Leg 201 - Ocean Drilling Expedition Captures Life Beneath the Seafloor Leg 200 - Scientists Find Evidence of Cataclysmic Volcanic Event on Oahu Leg 199 - Ocean Drilling Reveals Clues about Warmer Earth AGU Fall Meeting 2001 - Ocean Drilling Program Scientists Will Unveil New Research Results at the American Geophysical Union's Fall Meeting In San Francisco (JOI web site) AGU Fall Meeting 2001 - Ocean Drilling Program Town Meeting (JOI web site) Leg 198 - Ocean Drilling Program Probing Warming in the Earth's Past Leg 197 - Pursuing Pele, Goddess of Hawaiian Volcanos (PDF file) New director - Dr. Daniel Weill named Ocean Drilling Program Director Leg 196 - Researchers seek clues to submarine quakes at plate collision zone offshore Japan Leg 194 - Distance learning broadcasts (TAMU College of Education web site) New President - Bohlen named new JOI/ODP President CD-ROM Release - From Gateways to Glaciation Educational CD-ROM Released Leg 189 - Antarctica, Australia and Global Climate Change: Greenhouse to Ice House Leg 187 - Mantle reservoirs and migration associated with Australian-Antarctic rifting: a discordance in Earth's interior Leg 186 - Scientists Head to the Japan Trench for Earthquake Studies: ODP to Install Long-term Seafloor Observatories |