Figures F1-F50
Figures F51-97
Tables T1-T9

F1. Locations of Site 1224, H2O, and proposed sites.

F2. 3.5-kHz echo sounder recording.

F3. Significant locations at Site 1224.

F4. Reentry cone and casing deployed in Hole 1224D.

F5. Reentry cone in Hole 1224D.

F6. FFF deployed in Hole 1224F.

F7. Free-fall funnel in Hole 1224F.

F8. Site 1224, H2O, repeater locations, major fracture zones, and previous drill sites.

F9. Hydrosweep bathymetry around the H2O area.

F10. Location of the H2O junction box shown on SeaBeam bathymetry.

F11. Artist's conception of the H2O.

F12. Spreading rate and crustal age.

F13. Track lines during the 1997 site survey cruise.

F14. Track chart showing the H2O junction box position.

F15. 1997 survey track lines annotated with SCS shot numbers.

F16. 1997 survey track lines annotated with Julian day and time.

F17. 3.5-kHz data for the line north of Site 1224.

F18. 3.5-kHz data for the line south of Site 1224.

F19. Unmigrated SCS line north of Site 1224.

F20. Migrated SCS line north of Site 1224.

F21. Unmigrated SCS line south of Site 1224.

F22. Migrated SCS line south of Site 1224.

F23. Locations of OSN-1 and H2O broadband seismic sites.

F24. Vertical component spectra.

F25. Horizontal component spectra.

F26. Discoasters.

F27. Coccoliths and discoasters.

F28. Lithologic summary of basalts.

F29. Clay-lined and calcite-filled vesicles.

F30. Gas pipe structure.

F31. Wide oxidation halo.

F32. Subvertical fractures lined with iron oxyhydroxides and calcite.

F33. Sharp alteration zones in medium-grained basalt.

F34. Nearly circumferential alteration halos in fine-grained basalt.

F35. Flow-top hyaloclastite cemented by calcite.

F36. Oblique fractures lined with iron oxyhydroxides and calcite.

F37. Fine-grained basalt cut by two generations of fractures.

F38. Petrographic features of basalt.

F39. Textural and mineralogical features of the upper massive flow.

F40. Features of hyaloclastite.

F41. Quench textures and crystal morphologies of pillow rims.

F42. Textures of hyaloclastites and glass shards.

F43. MgO vs. TiO2 for basalts.

F44. Chemical compositions vs. depth for basalts.

F45. LOI plotted vs. depth.

F46. MgO vs. K2O with N-MORB glass compositions.

F47. MgO vs. Ba compared to fresh glasses.

F48. Identification of the main secondary minerals in basement.

F49. XRD results for smectite and illite veins.

F50. XRD results for calcite and aragonite vein.

Figures F1-F50
Figures F51-97
Tables T1-T9