Figures F1-F50
Figures F51-F100
Figures F101-F150
Figures F151-F198
Tables T1-T46

F101. Typical dark gray alteration of massive basalt.

F102. Clinopyroxene replaced by green clinopyroxene.

F103. Interstitial blue-green phyllosilicate.

F104. Late magmatic vein composed of intergrowths.

F105. Distributions of alteration types.

F106. Saponite veins.

F107. Celadonite in a black halo.

F108. Vesicles filled with celadonite.

F109. Pyrite front.

F110. Alteration halos along basalt margins.

F111. Brown halo.

F112. Veins and vein networks.

F113. Volume percent breccia and interflow sediment.

F114. Hyaloclastite breccia.

F115. Hyaloclastite with fresh and altered glass.

F116. Compositions of altered material.

F117. Low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of basalt.

F118. Breccia composed of crystalline basalt.

F119. Brecciated glassy finger intruding crystalline basalt.

F120. Interflow sediment.

F121. Basalt altered to low-temperature hydrothermal assemblage.

F122. Primary plagioclase partly replaced by secondary feldspar.

F123. Vug fillings in intensely altered basalt.

F124. Abundance of secondary mineral veins.

F125. Volume percent secondary mineral veins.

F126. Pyrite filling veins, pores, and vesicles.

F127. Basalt cut by celadonite and iron oxyhydroxide-rich veins.

F128. Saponite veins and veinlets.

F129. Vein composed of saponite and later silica minerals.

F130. Secondary minerals in veins, breccia, and interflow sediment.

F131. Distribution of alteration zones with depth.

F132. Measured structures, Hole 1256C.

F133. Measured structures, Hole 1256D.

F134. Oriented plagioclase laths.

F135. Microcracks.

F136. Dip values of primary layering.

F137. Folded thin bands of vesicles in a glassy matrix.

F138. Refolding of late magmatic veins.

F139. Ductile and brittle-ductile structures.

F140. Folding in recrystallized layers.

F141. Boudinlike disruption of late magmatic veinlets.

F142. Arrays of tension gashes.

F143. Sigmoidal pull-apart.

F144. Relationships between veins and amygdules.

F145. Vein in recrystallized microcrystalline basalt.

F146. Extension fissures parallel to fold arc.

F147. Parallel veinlets linked to folded structures.

F148. Veins intersected by radiating veins.

F149. Vein network.

F150. Stepped veins.

Figures F1-F50
Figures F51-F100
Figures F101-F150
Figures F151-F198
Tables T1-T46