Figures F1-F13
Tables T1-T10
Appendix Figures AF1-AF2

F1. Downhole distributions of microscopic veins and interfingering clinopyroxene textures.

F2. Photomicrographs of the examined olivine gabbros.

F3. Occurrence of the high-temperature microscopic veins.

F4. Histogram showing An% of plagioclase.

F5. Occurrence of the high-temperature microscopic veins.

F6. Occurrence of the high-temperature microscopic vein with intergrowths.

F7. Occurrence of the interfingering texture of clinopyroxene in olivine gabbro.

F8. Pyroxene quadrilateral.

F9. Composition of clinopyroxene.

F10. Composition of orthopyroxene.

F11. Composition of amphiboles.

F12. Temperatures calculated for clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and amphibole-plagioclase.

F13. Photomicrographs of olivine gabbros.

Tables T1-T10

T1. High-temperature microscopic veins.

T2. Samples with high-temperature microscopic veins.

T3. Mineral chemistry of gabbroic rocks.

T4. Microprobe analyses of plagioclase.

T5. Microprobe analyses of olivine.

T6. Microprobe analyses of clinopyroxene.

T7. Microprobe analyses of orthopyroxene.

T8. Microprobe analyses of amphibole.

T9. Interfingering texture of clinopyroxene.

T10. Calculated temperatures.

Appendix Figures AF1-AF2

AF1. (Na + K)A-site vs. AlIV of amphiboles.

AF2. Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+) vs. Mg# (100 x Mg/[Mg + Fe]) and Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+) vs. Si.

Figures F1-F13
Tables T1-T10
Appendix Figures AF1-AF2