

F31. X-ray diffractograms of clay-sized fractions of sediment from Sample 178-1095A-4H-5, 85-88 cm.

F32. Ratios between X-ray diffraction intensities of selected peaks for chlorite and mixed-layer clays.

F33. Raw data for NGR, GRAPE density, magnetic susceptibility, and P-wave velocity.

F34. Filtered NGR, GRAPE density, and magnetic susceptibility data using a Gaussian filter.

F35. Filtered NGR, GRAPE density, and magnetic susceptibility data vs. age.

F36. Filtered GRAPE bulk density and index properties (MAD) bulk density, and water content.

F37. Index properties porosity and MAD grain density.

F38. PWS1, PWS2, and PWS3 measurements vs. depth.

F39. Graphic summary of downhole logging operations at Hole 1095B.

F40. Downhole logs from Hole 1095B.

F41. Downhole logs from the HNGS natural gamma tool on the TC tool string.

F42. Comparison of susceptibility logs from the two passes of the GHMT.

F43. Core lithology compared to magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma logs at Hole 1095B.

F44. Polarity stratigraphy from the GHMT tool string.

F45. Temperature log from Hole 1095B.

F46. Location map of the moorings on Drift 7.

F47. Vector diagram of unfiltered meter data from Mooring ST-03.

F48. Depth offsets of the Site 1095 mcd scale relative to mbsf depth.

F49. GRAPE density and magnetic susceptibility data from Site 1095 on the mcd scale.

F50. Correlated cyclic pattern of GRAPE density, magnetic susceptibility, and other data.

F51. Spliced records of magnetic susceptibility and chromaticity parameter a*.

F52. Depth-age profile determined from geomagnetic reversals and diatom and radiolarian datums.

F53. Sedimentation rate vs. depth determined from geomagnetic polarity transitions.

F54. Sedimentation rate vs. age determined from geomagnetic polarity transitions.

F55. Comparison of different density data sets for Site 1095.

F56. Comparison of MST, downhole logging, and index properties velocities.

F57. Source signals and their characteristics.

F58. Seismostratigraphic interpretation of Site 1095 and display of the VSP traces.

F59. Traveltime depth models for Site 1095.

F60. Unfiltered synthetic seismograms for far-field and seafloor signals, Model A.

F61. Unfiltered synthetic seismograms for far-field and seafloor signals, Model B.

F62. Comparison of the input and output frequency spectra, Model A.

F63. Filter characteristics used to filter synthetic trace of Model A.

F64. Comparison of synthetic traces for Model A (far-field) and digital data of line I95-135A.

F65. Comparison of synthetic traces for Model A (seafloor) and digital data of line I95-135A.

F66. Comparison of synthetic traces for Model B (far-field) and digital data of line I95-135A.

F67. Comparison of synthetic traces for Model B (seafloor) and digital data of line I95-135A.

F68. MCS profile across Site 1095 parallel to the margin.

F69. MCS profile across Site 1095 perpendicular to the margin.

F70. Seismic section over Site 1095 showing seismic units, depths, and ages.
