Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F80
Tables T1-T12

F28. Replacement of plagioclase by chlorite/smectite.

F29. Solid-liquid-vapor fluid inclusion in quartz.

F30. Vein mineral abundances.

F31. Vein mineral proportions.

F32. Weathered clasts from the rubble zone.

F33. Protocataclasite harzburgite in carbonate-cemented breccia.

F34. Archive-half magnetic measurements.

F35. FMS image above the harzburgitic basement.

F36. Altered harzburgites from the top of basement.

F37. Dunite band in harzburgite.

F38. Projection of poles to crystal-plastic foliation.

F39. Downhole crystal-plastic deformation intensity.

F40. Lack of mesoscopic crystal-plastic foliation in protogranular harzburgites.

F41. Crystal-plastic deformation intensity.

F42. High-temperature textures in peridotites.

F43. Alteration veins cutting harzburgites and dunites.

F44. Downhole alteration vein and cataclastic intensity.

F45. Downhole dips of serpentine, talc-serpentine, and chrysotile veins.

F46. Projection of poles to serpentine veins.

F47. Semiplastic fault gouges.

F48. FMS images of fault gouges and oxide gabbros.

F49. FMS image corresponding to a serpentine schist.

F50. FMS image of clasts in a possible fault gouge.

F51. Projection of poles to shear fractures and serpentine foliations.

F52. Fracture and vein intensity vs. fault gouges.

F53. LOI, SiO2, and Fe2O3 vs. MgO.

F54. CaO vs. CO2.

Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F80
Tables T1-T12