Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F80
Tables T1-T12

F1. Subsea camera survey track and hole location.

F2. Bathymetric section for Site 1272.

F3. Downhole lithologic and modal variations.

F4. Textures in fine-grained mafic rocks.

F5. Dunite areas within harzburgite.

F6. Alternating bands of dunite and harzburgite.

F7. Foliation and orthopyroxene in harzburgite.

F8. Orthopyroxene-poor harzburgite and orthopyroxene-bearing dunite.

F9. Quench textures in fine-grained mafic rocks.

F10. Felsic and mafic domains in the quartz-olivine gabbros.

F11. Olivine grain intergrown with a plagioclase grain.

F12. Euhedral, doubly terminated quartz crystal.

F13. Apatite needles in quartz and plagioclase.

F14. Oxide gabbronorite.

F15. Relationship between olivine and orthopyroxene.

F16. Olivine–orthopyroxene relationships.

F17. Clinopyroxene–orthopyroxene relationships.

F18. Symplectic spinel intergrowths at orthopyroxene margins.

F19. Orthopyroxene/spinel textural relationships.

F20. Photograph and XRD from Section 23R-1.

F21. -serpentine wrapped around bastite.

F22. Alteration intensity plot.

F23. Photograph and XRD of aragonite-veined dunite.

F24. Coarse magnetite in a serpentine mesh-rim texture.

F25. XRD after freeze drying, glycolization, and heating.

F26. Talc, chlorite-smectite, and magnetite in gabbro.

F27. Oxidation halo and melt pocket.

Figures F1-F27
Figures F28-F54
Figures F55-F80
Tables T1-T12