Figures F1-F14
Tables T1-T22

F1. Coring and depth intervals.

F2. Example of a VCD form.

F3. Patterns and symbols used in barrel sheets.

F4. Classification of siliciclastic sediments.

F5. Grain-size classification diagram.

F6. Diagram of WRC sectioning for MBIO.

F7. N2-gassed cutting rig for WRCs.

F8. Bucket for clean anoxic subsampling of WRCs.

F9. Inoculation scheme for MPN.

F10. MPN counts with a microtiter plate.

F11. Gradient culture tube preparation.

F12. IR thermal imaging camera.

F13. Paleomagnetic coordinate conventions.

F14. Tool strings used during Leg 201.

Tables T1-T22

T1. MBIO sampling terms.

T2. Sampling codes and packing types.

T3. MM salts.

T4. Media for psychrophiles and mesophiles.

T5. Media for cultivations at 25°, 50°, and 80°C.

T6. MJ solution.

T7. Media for cultivations at 60°C.

T8. MSSM solution.

T9. Media definitions.

T10. Enrichment inoculations.

T11. Preparation for FISH.

T12. Hybridization for FISH.

T13. Sample preparation for FISH-SIMS.

T14. Sulfate reduction procedure.

T15. Methanogenesis and acetate turnover procedure.

T16. Leucine tracer procedure.

T17. Tritrated hydrogen turnover procedure.

T18. Radioisotopes used during Leg 201.

T19. Spill control and decontamination procedure.

T20. Expected depths of significant gas.

T21. Wireline tool strings.

T22. Tool string acronyms.

Figures F1-F14
Tables T1-T22