Figures F1-F12
F1. Location of Hole 735B on Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge.
F2. Area percentages of different vein types.
F3. Downhole plots of vein abundance.
F4. Compositions of vein plagioclase.
F5. Classification of brown and green vein amphiboles.
F6. Compositions of vein diopside.
F7. Fe2O3 vs. Al2O3 in vein epidote.
F8. Abundances of Ca, Si, Al, and Mg in a felsic vein with myrmekitic texture.
F9. Abundances of Mg, Si, Al, and Na in a plagioclase + diopside vein.
F10. Variations of Al and Na in plagioclase crystals in a plagioclase-rich vein.
F11. Variations in Al in a plagioclase-rich vein.
F12. Formation temperatures calculated from plagioclase-amphibole pairs.
T1. Vein types.
T2. Feldspar by microprobe.
T3. Amphibole by microprobe.
T4. Green amphibole by microprobe.
T5. Diopside by microprobe.
T6. Mica by microprobe.
T7. Chlorite by microprobe.
T8. Quartz by microprobe.
T9. Epidote by microprobe.
T10. Prehnite by microprobe.
T11. Ilmenite by microprobe.
T12. Zeolites by microprobe.
T13. Apatite and zircon by microprobe.
T14. Titanite by microprobe.
T15. Clay minerals by microprobe.
T16. Carbonates by microprobe.
T17. Vein composition.
P1. Felsic and plagioclase + amphibole and plagioclase + diopside veins.
P2. Felsic and plagioclase-rich veins showing strongly zoned plagioclase crystals.
P3. Plagioclase + diopside and plagioclase + amphibole veins.
P4. Various vein minerals.
P5. Vein minerals.
Figures F1-F12