4. Color Reflectance Spectroscopy: A Tool
for Rapid Characterization of Deep Sea Sediments
A.C. Mix, W. Rugh, N.G. Pisias, S. Veirs, Leg 138 Shipboard Sedimentologists
(T. Hagelberg, S. Hovan, A. Kemp, M. Leinen, M. Levitan, and C. Ravelo), and
the Leg 138 Scientific Party
5. Development of Composite Depth Sections
for Sites 844 through 854
T. Hagelberg, N. Shackleton, N. Pisias, and Shipboard Scientific Party
6. Sedimentation Rates: Toward a GRAPE
Density Stratigraphy for Leg 138 Carbonate Sections
N.J. Shackleton and Shipboard Scientific Party
7. Site Surveys
L.A. Mayer, N.G. Pisias, A.C. Mix, M.W. Lyle, P. Arason, and D. Mosher
8. Composition Maps of Surface Sediments
of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
M. Lyle
doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.138.108.1992 |
Chapters 5–6
Chapter 5, Figure 6.
Comparison of GRAPE density records with downhole density logs. Chapter 6, Figure 1. GRAPE density records for Sites 844 through 854 vs.
Chapters 9–19
Chapter 9, Figure 26. Percentage of reflectance, GRAPE density, and magnetic
susceptibility for Site 844. Chapter 10, Figure 34. Percentage of reflectance, GRAPE density, and
magnetic susceptibility for Site 845. Chapter 11, Figure 21. Percentage of reflectance, GRAPE density, and
magnetic susceptibility for Site 846. Chapter 12, Figure 19. Percentage of reflectance, GRAPE density, and
magnetic susceptibility for Site 847. Chapter 13, Figure 24. Magnetic susceptibility, GRAPE density, and
percentage of reflectance for Site 848. Chapter 14, Figure 20. GRAPE density and percentage of reflectance for Site
849. Chapter 15, Figure 25. Magnetic susceptibility, GRAPE density, and
percentage of reflectance for Site 850. Chapter 16, Figure 25. Magnetic susceptibility, GRAPE density, and
percentage of reflectance for Site 851. Chapter 17, Figure 21. Magnetic susceptibility, GRAPE density, and
percentage of reflectance for Site 852. Chapter 18, Figure 18. Magnetic susceptibility, GRAPE density, and
percentage of reflectance for Site 853. Chapter 19, Figure 18. Magnetic susceptibility, GRAPE density, and
percentage of reflectance for Site 854.
The entire data set for the following is available in
the DATA directory. Please
refer to the README_1ST.TXT file for information about these files.
Chapter 6:
Table 1. GRAPE density events
for Sites 846 through 853. Table 2. Sedimentation rates based on data in Table 1. Table 3. GRAPE density events from Table 1 and depths estimated for the
equivalent events. Table 4. Sedimentation rates based on data in Table 3.
Chapter 9:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations at Site 844. Table 3. Interval and depth constraints of nannofossil events. Table 4. Interval and depth constraints of foraminifer events. Table 5. Interval and depth constraints of radiolarian events. Table 6. Interval and depth constraints of diatom events. Table 10. Reversal boundary depths from Site 844. Table 11. Depths of top and bottom of each core in composite depth section. Table 12. Control points for accumulation rates. Table 13. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Holes 844A and 844B. Table 14. Percentages of total carbon, inorganic carbon, calcium carbonate,
organic carbon, and nitrogen. Table 16. Average values of sedimentary parameters. Table 17. Index properties data from Site 844. Table 18. Compressional-wave velocity data. Table 19. Vane shear strength data. Table 20. Thermal conductivity data. Table 22. Summary of traveltimes, depths, and ages for reflectors.
Chapter 10:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations at Site 845. Table 3. Sample and depth constraints of nannofossil events. Table 4. Sample and depth constraints of radiolarian events. Table 5. Sample and depth constraints of diatom events. Table 8. Reversal boundary depths from Site 845. Table 9. Depths of top and bottom of each core in composite depth section. Table 10. Control points for accumulation rates. Table 11. Interstitial water geochemical data for Holes 845A and 845C. Table 12. Percentages of total carbon, inorganic carbon, carbonate, organic
carbon, and nitrogen. Table 14. Average values of sedimentary parameters. Table 16. Index properties data from Site 845. Table 17. Compressional-wave velocity data. Table 18. Vane shear strength data. Table 19. Thermal conductivity data. Table 24. Summary of traveltimes, depths, and ages for reflectors.
Chapter 11:
Table 1. Coring summary for Site 846. Table 3. Sample and depth constraints of nannofossil events. Table 4. Sample and depth constraints of foraminifer events. Table 5. Sample and depth constraints of radiolarian events. Table 6. Sample and depth constraints of diatom events. Table 7. Depths of top and bottom of each core in composite depth section. Table 8. Control points for accumulation rates. Table 9. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Holes 846A and 846C. Table 10. Percentages of total carbon, inorganic carbon, carbonate, organic
carbon, and nitrogen. Table 12. Average value of sedimentary parameters. Table 13. Concentrations of hydrocarbons in headspace volumes. Table 14. Results of ketone analyses, percentages of organic carbon and
carbonate, and age estimates of samples. Table 15. Wet- and dry-bulk density, grain density, porosity, wet and dry
water content, and void ratio data. Table 16. Compressional-wave velocity data. Table 17. Undrained shear strength data. Table 18. Thermal conductivity data. Table 20. Summary of traveltimes, depths, and ages for reflectors.
Chapter 12:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations at Site 847. Table 3. Sample and depth constraints of nannofossil events. Table 4. Sample and depth constraints of foraminifer events. Table 5. Sample and depth constraints of radiolarian events. Table 6. Sample and depth constraints of diatom events. Table 7. Depths of top and bottom of each core in composite depth section. Table 8. Control points for accumulation rates. Table 9. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Holes 847A and 847B. Table 10. Percentages of total carbon, inorganic carbon, carbonate, and
organic carbon. Table 12. Average values of sedimentary parameters. Table 13. Concentrations of total carbon, inorganic carbon, organic carbon,
total nitrogen, and total methane. Table 14. Wet- and dry-bulk density, grain density, porosity, wet and dry
water content, and void ratio data. Table 15. Compressional-wave velocity data. Table 16. Vane shear strength velocity data. Table 17. Thermal conductivity data.
Table 21. Summary of traveltimes, depths, and ages for reflectors.
Chapter 13:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations at Site 848. Table 3. Sample and depth constraints of nannofossil events for Site 848. Table 4. Sample and depth constraints of radiolarian events for Site 848. Table 5. Sample and depth constraints of diatom events for Site 848. Table 7. Reversal boundary depths from Site 848. Table 8. Top and bottom depths of each core in Site 848 composite depth
section. Table 9. Control points for accumulation rates. Table 10. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Holes 848A and 848B. Table 12. Bulk-sediment major oxide composition from X-ray fluorescence
spectroscopy and loss on ignition in sediments from Hole 848C. Table 13. Comparison of X-ray fluorescence normative CaCO3 with
coulometric CaCO3 measurements. Table 14. Elemental composition in bulk sediments and on a carbonate-free
basis. Table 15. Mass accumulation rates for selected elements and for opal. Table 16. Average values of sedimentary parameters calculated over time
intervals defined by chronostratigraphic levels. Table 17. Mean values of percentages of total carbon, inorganic carbon,
calcium carbonate, and organic carbon for each sample analyzed at Site 848. Table 20. Index properties data from Site 848. Table 21. Compressional-wave velocity data from Site 848. Table 22. Vane shear strength data from Site 848. Table 23. Thermal conductivity data from Site 848.
Chapter 14:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations. Table 3. Sample and depth constraints of nannofossil events for Site 849. Table 4. Sample and depth constraints of foraminifer events for Site 849. Table 5. Sample and depth constraints of radiolarian events for Site 849. Table 6. Sample and depth constraints of diatom events for Site 849. Table 7. Depths of top and bottom of each core in Site 849 composite depth
section. Table 8. Control points for sedimentation rates. Table 9. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Holes 849A and 849B. Table 10. Mean values of percentages of total carbon, inorganic carbon,
calcium carbonate, and organic carbon for each sample analyzed at Site 849. Table 12. Average values of sedimentary parameters calculated over time
intervals defined by chronostratigraphic levels. Table 13. Concentrations of methane in samples from Hole 849A. Table 14. Index properties data for Site 849. Table 15. Compressional-wave velocity data for Site 849. Table 16. Thermal conductivity data for Site 849. Table 17. Vane shear strength data for Site 849. Table 21. Summary of traveltimes, depths, and ages for Site 849 reflectors.
Chapter 15:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations at Site 850. Table 3. Sample and depth constraints of nannofossil events for Site 850. Table 4. Sample and depth constraints of foraminifer events for Site 850. Table 5. Sample and depth constraints of radiolarian events for Site 850. Table 6. Sample and depth constraints of diatom events for Site 850. Table 8. Reversal boundary determinations. Table 9. Depths of top and bottom of each core in Site 850 composite depth
section. Table 10. Control points for sedimentation rates. Table 11. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Holes 850A and 850B. Table 12. Concentrations of SiO2, A12O3, Fe2O3,
MnO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, and P2O5 in
ignited sediments from Site 850. Table 13. Concentrations of SiO2, A12O3, Fe2O3,
MnO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, and P2O5 in
ignited sediments from Site 850 recalculated assuming all loss on ignition
is CO2 driven off CaCO3. Table 14. Accumulation rates of SiO2, Al2O3,
Fe2O3, MnO, P2O5, and biogenic
silica (opal). Table 15. Average values of sedimentary parameters calculated over time
intervals defined by chronostratigraphic levels. Table 16. Mean values of percentages of inorganic carbon, calcium carbonate,
and organic carbon for each sample analyzed at Site 850. Table 17. Duplicate analyses of percentages of calcium carbonate in samples
from Site 850. Table 18. Concentrations of methane in samples from Hole 850B. Table 19. Index properties data for Site 850. Table 20. Compressional-wave velocity data for Site 850. Table 21. Vane shear strength data for Site 850. Table 22. Thermal conductivity data for Site 850. Table 24. Summary of traveltimes, depths, and ages for Site 850 reflectors.
Chapter 16:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations at Site 851. Table 3. Sample and depth constraints of nannofossil events for Hole 851B. Table 4. Sample and depth constraints of foraminifer events for Hole 851B. Table 5. Sample and depth constraints of radiolarian events for Site 851. Table 6. Sample and depth constraints of diatom events for Site 851. Table 8. Reversal boundary depths from Site 851. Table 9. Depths of top and bottom of each core in Site 851 composite depth
section. Table 10. Control points for sedimentation rates. Table 11. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Holes 851A and 851B. Table 12. Mean values of percentages of inorganic carbon, calcium carbonate,
and organic carbon for each sample analyzed at Site 851. Table 14. Average values of sedimentary parameters calculated over time
intervals defined by chronostratigraphic levels. Table 15. Concentrations of methane in samples from Hole 851B. Table 16. Index properties data for Site 851. Table 17. Compressional-wave velocity data for Site 851. Table 18. Vane shear strength data for Site 851. Table 19. Thermal conductivity data for Site 851. Table 22. Summary of traveltimes, depths, and ages for Site 851 reflectors.
Chapter 17:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations at Site 852. Table 4. Sample interval, ODP depth, and composite depth constraints of
nannofossil events for Holes 852B, 852C, and 852D. Table 5. Sample interval, ODP depth, and composite depth constraints of
foraminifer events for Hole 852B. Table 6. Sample interval, ODP depth, and composite depth constraints of
radiolarian events for Holes 852B, 852C, and 852D. Table 7. Sample interval, ODP depth, and composite depth constraints of
diatom events for Holes 852B, 852C, and 852D. Table 9. Reversal boundary depths from Site 852. Table 10. Depths of top and bottom of each core in Site 852 composite depth
section. Table 11. Control points for sedimentation rates at Site 852. Table 12. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Holes 852A, 852B, and
852C. Table 13. Mean values of percentages of total carbon, inorganic carbon,
calcium carbonate, and organic carbon for each sample analyzed at Site 852. Table 15. Average values of sedimentary parameters calculated over time
intervals defined by chronostratigraphic levels in Table 11. Table 16. Index properties data for Site 852. Table 17. Compressional-wave velocity data for Site 852. Table 18. Vane shear strength data for Site 852. Table 19. Thermal conductivity data for Site 852. Table 21. Summary of traveltimes, depths, and ages for Site 852 reflectors.
Chapter 18:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations at Site 853. Table 2. Sample and depth constraints of nannofossil events for Site 853. Table 3. Sample and depth constraints of foraminifer events for Site 853. Table 4. Sample and depth constraints of radiolarian events for Site 853. Table 6. Reversal boundary depths from Site 853. Table 7. Depths of top and bottom of each core in Site 853 in the composite
depth section. Table 8. Control points for sedimentation rates. Table 9. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Holes 853A and 853B. Table 10. Mean values of percentages of inorganic carbon, carbonate carbon,
and organic carbon for each sample analyzed at Site 853. Table 12. Average values of sedimentary parameters calculated over time
intervals defined by chronostratigraphic levels. Table 13. Index properties data from Site 853. Table 14. Compressional-wave velocity data for Site 853. Table 15. Thermal conductivity data for Site 853. Table 16. Vane shear strength data for Site 853. Table 17. Summary of traveltimes, depths, and ages for Site 853 reflectors.
Chapter 19:
Table 1. Summary of coring operations at Site 854. Table 2. Sample and depth constraints of nannofossil events for Site 854. Table 3. Sample and depth constraints of radiolarian events for Site 854. Table 5. Reversal boundary depths. Table 6. Depths of top and bottom of each core in Site 854 composite depth
section. Table 7. Control points for sedimentation rates. Table 8. Interstitial-water geochemical data for Hole 854B. Table 9. Mean values of percentages of inorganic carbon and carbonate carbon
for each sample analyzed at Site 854. Table 11. Average values of sedimentary parameters calculated over time
intervals defined by chronostratigraphic levels. Table 12. Index properties data for Site 854. Table 13. Vane shear strength data for Site 854. Table 14. Thermal conductivity data for Site 854.